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<<<<< Movie App using API >>>>>

Movie Search. Create a basic routing for a movie search and storage application. Preview working application see link: API For the backend, use API. You need to register (you can enter any data) and get API key. The following endpoints will be used in this work.

/trending/get-trending a list of the most popular movies for today to create a collection on the home page page. /search/search-movies keyword search for a movie on the movies page. /movies/get-movie-details Request full movie info for the movie page. /movies/get-movie-credits Request cast info for the movie page. /movies/get-movie-reviews requesting reviews for the movie page. Documentation link

Routes. The app should have the following routes. If a user has accessed a non-existent route, it must be redirected to the home page.

The ``Home'' component, the home page with a list of popular movies. The /'/movies' - component Movies, a page of movie search by keyword. keyword. /movies/:movieId' - component MovieDetails, a page with detailed information about the movie. /movies/:movieId/cast - component Cast, information about the cast. Rendered on the page MovieDetails. /movies/:movieId/reviews - component Reviews, information about reviews. Rendered on the page MovieDetails. Code Splitting Add asynchronous JS code loading for the application routes using React.lazy() and .