This Task is a React-based web application designed for a US company offering autonomous dispatching to long-haul spot market trucking. The application fetches and displays data from an external CSV source, efficiently handling large datasets of up to 100,000 records. It provides a dynamic table view with filtering capabilities, allowing users to search and sort through data. The interface also includes skeleton loading indicators to enhance the user experience during data retrieval.
- Efficiently handles and displays up to 100,000 data records.
- Fetches data from a CSV URL using the PapaParse library.
- Displays data in a user-friendly Material-UI table.
- Includes dynamic filters for each column to facilitate data search.
- Uses skeleton loaders to indicate the data loading state, ensuring a smooth user experience.
- React
- PapaParse
- Material-UI
- Clone the repository.
- Install the dependencies using
npm install
. - Start the application using
npm start
if You have problem in install You Can Folow This Instructions
npm cache clean --force
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm start
- Live Deployment: