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In this project, the program will be able to create contacts (like on the mobile phone) and search for people or organizations by name.

Stage 1/4 :

In the first stage, the program creates an instance of a class that stores information about one record in the Contacts.

One record should contain a name, a surname, and a phone number, which the user type them from the keyboard.

Open stage 1 on Hyperskill

Stage implementation: SingleContact.kt


Enter the name of the person:
> John
Enter the surname of the person:
> Smith
Enter the number:
> 1-234-567-890

A record created!
A Phone Book with a single record created!

Stage 2/4: Create a menu

Sometimes we need to restrict the ability to change the instance properties. For example, a phone number can't be just any string; it should follow some rules. The phone number format is different for every country, but they all have some elements in common.

  • The phone number should be split into groups using a space or dash. One group is also possible.

  • Before the first group, there may or may not be a plus symbol.

  • The first group or the second group can be wrapped in parentheses, but there should be no more than one group that is wrapped in parentheses. There may also be no groups wrapped in parentheses.

  • A group can contain numbers, uppercase, and lowercase English letters. A group should be at least 2 symbols in length. But the first group may be only one symbol in length.

In this stage, the program keeps all the records in a list. The user is able to add, remove, edit the records, and get the number of records.

If the user inputs an incorrect phone number, it is set as empty. If the number is empty, write the string no number is written instead of it.

Open stage 2 on Hyperskill

Stage implementation: PhonebookOrganizer.kt

Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, list, exit): > add
Enter the name: > John
Enter the surname: > Smith
Enter the number: > +0 (123) 456-789-ABcd
The record added.
Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, list, exit): > edit
1. John Smith, +0 (123) 456-789-ABcd
Select a record: > 1
Select a field (name, surname, number): > number
Enter number: > ()()
Wrong number format!
The record updated!
Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, list, exit): > list
1. John Smith, [no number]
Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, list, exit): > exit

Stage 3/4: Upgrade the contacts

In this stage:

  • The program is expanded to store information not only about people, but also organizations.
  • Two more properties are added to keep track of creation date and lst update date and time for each contact.
  • A base class is created, containing information relevant to both Person and Organization contacts, such as name, phone number, and dates.
  • Two classes inheriting this base class are created, for Persons and Organizations, containing the unique attributes to each field, practising inheritance.

Open stage 3 on Hyperskill

Stage implementation: PunctualPhonebookOrganizer.kt


Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > add
Enter the type (person, organization): > person
Enter the name: > John
Enter the surname: > Smith
Enter the birth date: >
Bad birth date!
Enter the gender (M, F): >
Bad gender!
Enter the number: > +0 (123) 456-789-ABcd
The record added.

Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > add
Enter the type (person, organization): > organization
Enter the organization name: > Pizza Shop
Enter the address: > Wall St. 1
Enter the number: > +0 (123) 456-789-9999
The record added.
Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > info
1. John Smith
2. Pizza Shop
Enter index to show info: > 2
Organization name: Pizza shop
Address: Wall St. 1
Number: +0 (123) 456-789-9999
Time created: 2018-01-01T00:00
Time last edit: 2018-01-01T00:00

Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > edit
1. John Smith
2. Pizza Shop
Select a record: > 1
Select a field (name, surname, birth, gender, number): > number
Enter number: > (123) 234 345-456
The record updated!

Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > info
1. John Smith
2. Pizza Shop
Select a record: > 1
Name: John
Surname: Smith
Birth date: [no data]
Gender: [no data]
Number: (123) 234 345-456
Time created: 2018-01-01T00:00
Time last edit: 2018-01-01T00:01

Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > edit
1. John Smith
2. Pizza Shop
Select a record: > 2
Select a field (address, number): > address
Enter address: > Wall St. 7
The record updated!

Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > info
1. John Smith
2. Pizza Shop
Enter index to show info: > 2
Organization name: Pizza shop
Address: Wall St. 7
Number: +0 (123) 456-789-9999
Time created: 2018-01-01T00:00
Time last edit: 2018-01-01T00:02

Enter action (add, remove, edit, count, info, exit): > exit

Stage 4/4: Searching

In this stage:

  • More abstraction is applied; the functions for changing the value of a contact's property, returning the string representation of all properties' values, and returning all the modifiable properties of a contact, are now abstract functions in base class.
  • Contacts are now saved to files; the filename is passed as an argument to the main function, the program either opens or creates this new file, and saves the serialized versions of all the contacts to that file. The user can choose to keep or delete that file upon program's termination. It's not kept by default.
  • The search functionality is implemented; it supports searching not for contacts' names, but any other details such as phone number, address, or birthday date.

Open stage 4 on Hyperskill

Stage implementation: AllInOnePhonebook.kt

args: open phonebook.db

[menu] Enter action (add, list, search, count, exit): > count
The Phone Book has 6 records.

[menu] Enter action (add, list, search, count, exit): > search
Enter search query: > cent
Found 3 results:
1. Central Bank
   2. Centurion Adams
   3. Decent Pizza Shop

[search] Enter action ([number], back, again): > again
Enter search query: > shop
Found 2 results:
1. Decent Pizza Shop
   2. Car shop

[search] Enter action ([number], back, again): > 2
Organization name: Car shop
Address: Wall St. 3
Number: +0 (123) 456-789-9999
Time created: 2018-01-01T00:03
Time last edit: 2018-04-29T11:34

[record] Enter action (edit, delete, menu): > edit
Select a field (name, address, number): > name
Enter name: > New Car Shop
Organization name: New Car Shop
Address: Wall St. 3
Number: +0 (123) 456-789-9999
Time created: 2018-01-01T00:03
Time last edit: 2018-11-20T11:04

[record] Enter action (edit, delete, menu): > menu

[menu] Enter action (add, list, search, count, exit): > search
Enter search query: > new
Found 1 result:
1. New Car Shop

[search] Enter action ([number], back, again): > back

[menu] Enter action (add, list, search, count, exit): > list
1. New Car Shop
   2. Decent Pizza Shop
   3. Central Bank
   4. Centurion Adams
   5. John Smith
   6. Alice Wonderlanded

[list] Enter action ([number], back): > 6
Name: Alice
Surname: Wonderlanded
Birth date: [no data]
Gender: F
Number: +123123 (123) 12-23-34-45
Time created: 2018-03-12T11:21
Time last edit: 2018-03-12T11:21

[record] Enter action (edit, delete, menu): > edit
Select a field (name, surname, birth, gender, number): > number
Enter number: > +23 (321) 12-12 12 12
Name: Alice
Surname: Wonderlanded
Birth date: [no data]
Gender: F
Number: +23 (321) 12-12 12 12
Time created: 2018-03-12T11:21
Time last edit: 2018-11-20T11:07

[record] Enter action (edit, delete, menu): > menu

[menu] Enter action (add, list, search, count, exit): > exit


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