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Majiir Paktu edited this page Aug 5, 2013 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Kethane wiki!

Getting Started

  • [Overview of Kethane](wiki/Overview of Kethane)
  • [Installation Instructions](wiki/Installation Instructions)
  • [Frequently Asked Questions](wiki/Frequently Asked Questions)
  • [Bug Reporting Guidelines](wiki/Bug Reporting)


  • Scanning to locate planetary Kethane deposits
  • Extracting underground Kethane from deposits
  • Storing and transferring harvested Kethane
  • Converting stored Kethane into other resources


  • [List of Parts](wiki/List of Parts)
  • [Version History](wiki/Version History)
  • License
  • [API and Modules Documentation](wiki/API and Modules Documentation)
  • Settings File Documentation
  • [Known Non-Kethane Issues](wiki/Known Non–Kethane Issues)

See Also