This repository accompanies the paper of the same title as a means to reproduce the results given in the paper.
We provide the code, data in the folders and the script
which, once executed, provides the HTML document
Below, we copy the code and results to facilitate checking the results.
All the analyses can be reproduced using the commands below in a folder
with code
and data
subfolders, which store the functions and the
dataset and results used in the paper.
First, we must load some R
# Load libraries
Now, the core of the code is the fcaR
package, but there are some
extensions (for example, to compute the minimal generators) that are, at
this moment, outside the package, and are included in the code
We must load them.
# Load functions from "code" folder
code_folder <- here("code")
list.files(path = code_folder,
pattern = "*.R",
full.names = TRUE) %>%
sapply(source) %>%
invisible() # To keep output clean
The data used in this paper is included in the data
folder, so we must
load it (it is a formal context named context3.rds
# Import data from data folder
data_folder <- normalizePath(here("data"))
fc <- FormalContext$new(file.path(data_folder, "context3.rds"))
We use the functions from the fcaR
package to compute both the concept
lattice and the basis of implications of the mixed context.
# Find concept lattice and implications
# Number of implications in the basis
#> [1] 403
# Number of concepts in the lattice
#> [1] 1769
First, we build the sublattice formed by the concepts containing the
attributes -P
and -F
(we use the notation -X
to denote the
negation of attribute X
# Concepts and sublattice of those concepts containing -P and -F
selected_attributes <- c("-P", "-F")
id_attr <- which(fc$attributes %in% selected_attributes)
which_attr <- colSums(fc$concepts$intents()[id_attr, ]) == length(selected_attributes)
# Creation of the sublattice
sublattice <- fc$concepts$sublattice(which_attr)
The computation of the minimal generators is very computationally demanding (and may take hours to days, depending on the hardware), so we include the code but we provide the precomputed minimal generators in form of implication set.
This code would compute the minimal generators.
# Minimal Generators
lsi <- mingen0_minimals(
attributes = fc$attributes,
LHS = fc$implications$get_LHS_matrix(),
RHS = fc$implications$get_RHS_matrix())
This code would create the implication set from the minimal generators.
imps <- lsi$to_implications(context = fc$I)
Actually, we load the precomputed system of implications.
imps <- readRDS(file = file.path(data_folder, "mingen_implications.RDS"))
From these implications, we select those that have -Final
in the
right-hand side:
fail <- imps$filter(rhs = c("-Final"))
We only keep some of the implications, those whose support is above the 10%. That is, implications applicable to, at least, 10% of the students in the course. In addition, we remove some redundancies that appear by using the Simplification Logic.
fail <- fail[fail$support() > 0.1]
# This gives us 41 implications
#> [1] 41
# We use simplification logic to remove redundancies:
#> Processing batch
#> --> Simplification: from 41 to 20 in 0.042 secs.
#> Batch took 0.044 secs.
The resulting set of implications is:
#> Implication set with 20 implications.
#> Rule 1: {-2nd T, -3rd T} -> {-Final, -M}
#> Rule 2: {-F, -2nd T, -M} -> {-3rd T, -Final}
#> Rule 3: {-F, -2nd T, -G} -> {-3rd T, -Final, -M}
#> Rule 4: {-1st T, -3rd T, -M} -> {-2nd T, -Final}
#> Rule 5: {-1st T, -F} -> {-I, -D, -P, -2nd T, -3rd T, -Final, -M}
#> Rule 6: {D, -2nd T, -M} -> {-Final}
#> Rule 7: {-P, -2nd T, -3rd T} -> {-1st T}
#> Rule 8: {-D, -2nd T, -3rd T} -> {-1st T}
#> Rule 9: {-I, -D, -P, -2nd T, -3rd T} -> {-F}
#> Rule 10: {-P, -F, -3rd T} -> {-I, -D, -1st T, -2nd T, -Final, -M}
#> Rule 11: {-D, -F, -3rd T} -> {-I, -P, -1st T, -2nd T, -Final, -M}
#> Rule 12: {-D, -F, -2nd T, -M} -> {-I, -P, -1st T}
#> Rule 13: {-I, -D, -P, -3rd T, -M} -> {-F}
#> Rule 14: {-P, -3rd T, -M} -> {-1st T, -2nd T, -Final}
#> Rule 15: {-P, -F, -M} -> {-I, -D, -1st T, -2nd T, -3rd T, -Final}
#> Rule 16: {-I, -P, -F} -> {-D, -1st T, -2nd T, -3rd T, -Final, -M}
#> Rule 17: {-D, -P, -F} -> {-I, -1st T, -2nd T, -3rd T, -Final, -M}
#> Rule 18: {-I, -F, -2nd T} -> {-D, -P, -1st T, -3rd T, -Final, -M}
#> Rule 19: {-I, -2nd T, -G} -> {-Final, -M}
#> Rule 20: {-I, -D, -F, -M} -> {-P, -1st T, -2nd T, -3rd T, -Final}