An easy to use Nfc library for iOS.
Checkout the NFCLib for Android NFC-Android
pod 'NfcLib'
var readNfc: ReadNfc?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// create readNfc
readNfc = NfcFactory<ReadNfc>.create(viewController: self)
func scan() {
readNfc?.begin() { results in
// Upon comletion grab the array with the results
self.handleResults(results: results)
Handle the results from NTAG
func handleResults(results: [Any]) {
for (index, result) in results.enumerated() {
switch result {
case is String:
// Display String
self.displayResults(index, result: result as! String)
case is URL:
// Display URL
self.displayResults(index, result: result as! URL)
// No data :(
debugPrint("No data :(")
func displayResults(_ index: Int, result: String) {
var prevText = resultsTextView.text!
prevText += "\(index+1). \(result)\n"
resultsTextView.text = prevText
func displayResults(_ index: Int, result: URL) {
var prevText = resultsTextView.text!
prevText += "\(index+1). \(result.absoluteString)\n"
resultsTextView.text = prevText
var writeNfc: WriteNfc?
override func viewDidLoad() {
// create writeNfc
writeNfc = NfcFactory<WriteNfc>.create(viewController: self)
func scan() {
writeNfc?.begin(message: "Hellom from NFCLib") { result in
// result is boolean
if result {
self.displayResults(0, result: "Writen to tag successfully")
} else {
self.displayResults(-1, result: "Error writing to tag!")
Don't do a read after a write operation, remove the NTAG and use the scan session again
var readNfc: ReadNfc?
var writeNfc: WriteNfc?
var readFlag = true
override func viewDidLoad() {
// create readNfc
readNfc = NfcFactory<ReadNfc>.create(viewController: self)
// create writeNfc
writeNfc = NfcFactory<WriteNfc>.create(viewController: self)
func scan() {
if readFlag {
readNfc?.begin() { results in
// Upon comletion grab the array with the results
self.handleResults(results: results)
// End the connection after 2 sec and display the alert for 1 sec
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
// Delay dismissing the alert after showing the message
self.readNfc?.end(message: "Testing end() function", delay: 1)
} else { // WRITE
writeNfc?.begin("") { result in
if result {
self.displayResults(0, result: "Writen to tag successfully")
} else {
self.displayResults(-1, result: "Error writing to tag!")