collidify is a jQuery plugin that handles jQuery UI draggable collision events, such as revert, collide, and border.
During the process of working one of my projects, I really wanted to have draggable elements around a countainer, but revert back if invalid. Some libraries worked decently, but still overflowed outside of containers, or weren't very intuitive. I sought to solve this issue and make collision and revert events easier in jQuery.
This plugin is a work in progress, and am adding more features and accessibility optiions.
collidify requires you to have jQuery and jQuery UI in order to properly use the plugin!
I highly recommend you check out the full docs for more information, examples, and more! Full Documentation at:
jQuery CDN Links:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
Using Collidify:
/** $(element).collidify()
* Does not require any parameters.
* Using no parameters turns an element into a draggable.
* The first parameter is the collision options,
* which I will list all of them below.
* The second parameter is the draggable options,
* those which are applied to $('.draggable').draggable()
// Usage:
$(element).collidify(collisionOptions, draggableOptions)
// Example:
$('.draggable').collidify({ collides: [ $('.collider') ] },
{ containment: $('.container') } )
So what kinds of things can you do with collidify?
Example 1: Adding a border when dragged over
var options = {
border: [ $('.border') ]
Example 2: Reverting an element when dragged and dropped (Invalid droppable)
var options = {
revert: [ $('.invalid') ]
Example 3: Triggering an event when collision is detected
var options = {
collides: [ $('.collide') ],
onCollideEnter: function() {
Example 4: Changing border colors, and logging when the border is removed
var options = {
border: [ $('.collide') ],
borderStyle: "2px dashed blue",
onBorderRemove: function() {
console.log("Border Removed!");
Example 5: Mix and Match events!
var options = {
revert: [ $('.invalid') ],
collides: [ $('.invalid') ],
onCollideEnter: function() {
console.log("Entered Collision");
onRevert: function() {
Example 6: Multiple Elements
var options = {
border: [ $('.border'), $('.other-border') ],
onBorder: function() {
console.log("Border Added!")
Example 7: Detecting collision when the draggable is completely inside the other
var options = {
border: [
element: $('.border'),
type: "inside" // When Completely inside
collides: [
element: $('.collide'),
type: "enter" //When Entered (default)
revert: [
element: $('.revert'),
type: "inside" //When Inside (causes overlap)
//Only shows a border when dragged completely inside the other element/
Example 7: Custom border options
var options = {
border: [
element: $('.border-2'),
borderStyle: "2px dashed purple" // Has priority over the style "1px solid blue"
borderStyle: "1px solid blue"
collides: [] || $, // Array or element of the item(s) to collide with
revert: [] || $, // Array or element of the item(s) that will revert position
border: [] || $, // Array or element of the item(s) that will receive a border when dragged over
onCollide() {}, //Triggers whenever an element collides with a listed element. TRIGGERS ON DRAG!
onRevert() {}, //Triggers whenever an element is reverted from a listed element
onBorder() {}, //Triggers whenever a listed element receives a border
onBorderRemove() {}, //Triggers whenever a listed element loses a border
onCollideEnter() {}, //Triggers once the element has entered the bounds of a listed element
onCollideLeave() {}, //Triggers once the element has left the bounds of a listed element
borderStyle: "2px dashed blue", //The style for border events
borderClass: ".border", //A class for border events
// You may use the jquery start, drag, and end events in the second parameter,
// but if you want to keep code concise, you can use the following events as well!
onStart() {}, // Triggers when dragging starts (used in the first parameter)
onDrag() {}, // Triggers when dragging (used in the first parameter)
onEnd() {}, // Triggers when dragging ends (used in the first parameter)