This project shows how to work with a remote typescript project using...
- a Linux Notebook as working host
- a Raspberry PI with Raspbian OS as remote host
- Node.js as Javascript runtime environment on the Raspberry PI
- Visual Studio Code (vsc) as development environment on the Linux Notebook
- Remote Workspace as vsc extension
- Typescript as programming language.
The goal is to run the development process on the notebook and to execute and debug the program on the remote system (Raspberry PI).
On working host:
- Linux as operating system
- Visual Studio code installed (Installation)
- Node.js installed (Installation)
- Raspberry PI reachable as host
Configure DNS server or add IP and host namerpi
in file/etc/hosts
- Create SSH key without password with name
Use the commandssh-keygen
, don't protect the key with password - Clone this project in
On Raspberry PI:
- Raspbian as operating system
- openssh-server installed
sudo apt update sudo apt install openssh-server
- Node.js installed (Installation instructions)
sudo curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
- nodemon installed
sudo npm install -g nodemon
- Public ssh key (from notebook´s file
) added in file/home/pi/.ssh/authorized_keys
Clone the project on notebook to
If you prefer another location, change the attributelocalRoot
in the file .vscode/launch.json! -
Install node packages on working host
user@NB:~ $ cd prj user@NB:~/prj $ npm install
Create project folder on Raspberry PI on
user@NB $ ssh pi@rpi pi@rpi:~ $ mkdir prj
If you prefer another location, change the attribute
in the file .vscode/launch.json! -
Start Visual Studio Code on working notebook with workspace file.
cd /home/user/prj code rpi.code-workspace
Build the project by pressing Ctrl + Alt + b (or F1 and Tasks: Run Build Task and build)
If everything (building and transfer to remote system) works fine, install node packages on Raspberry PI and start the programm there.
user@NB $ ssh pi@rpi
pi@rpi:~ $ cd prj
pi@rpi:~/prj $ npm install
pi@rpi:~/prj $ nodemon --inspect= --inspect-brk= dist/main.js
- Select Debug Area in Visual Studio Code and launch
Attach (rpi)
(or press F5)
If something goes wrong, check logging of Visual studio code.
Log files can be found in home folder ~/.vscode-remote-workspace
Enable attribute
in file .vscode/launch.json. -
Launch program.
Check the trace output file.
This file is located in:
grep forMapped
cat debugadapter.txt | grep Mapped cat debugadapter.txt | grep SourceMaps.
Expected content:
Mapped remoteToLocal: /home/pi/prj/dist/main.js -> /home/user/prj/dist/main.js SourceMaps.getMapForGeneratedPath: Finding SourceMap for /home/user/prj/dist/main.js by URI: SourceMaps.loadSourceMapContents: Reading local sourcemap file from /home/user/prj/dist/ SourceMaps.scriptParsed: /home/user/prj/dist/main.js was just loaded and has mapped sources: ["/home/user/prj/src/main.ts"]