Guess the hidden word and test your linguistic prowess with this classic Hangman game!
Hangman is a word-guessing game for two or more players. One player chooses a secret word, phrase, or sentence. The other players try to guess it by suggesting letters or numbers within a certain number of guesses.
- Run the Python script.
- The game will prompt you to guess a letter.
- Keep guessing until you either guess the word or run out of attempts.
Guess a letter: a
You guessed a, that's not in the word. You lose a life.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
| |
O |
Guess a letter: u
_ u _ _ _ _ _
| |
O |
Here there are 6 lives/attempts.
Contributions are always welcome! Whether you find a bug, have a suggestion, or want to add a feature—just open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's improve this project together! ✨
This project is licensed under MIT license.
Manjunath MGM
Shiv Nadar University