The qqnumbas
package defines a macro to generate a Numbas exam as a byproduct
when typesetting multiple choice questions.
The package provides the command \quickquestion{...}
that takes parameters in pgfkeys style:
name = {Question Name},
prompt = {
Here goes the question prompt. Multiple paragraphs are not allowed (yet).
{Option A. Can be pure text.},
{Option B. Can have inline math $e^{i\pi}=-1$},
{Option C. Can have blockmath $$},
{Option D. Paragraphs aren't allowed here either.} % Without trailing comma
answer={b}, % Single lowercase letter. Can be any of: abcd
Thanks to the TeX StackExchange for all the helpful content. Special thanks to egreg for answering my question about how to protect the backslashes in the output.