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Installation guide

kstanisz edited this page May 9, 2016 · 10 revisions

###Project configuration#

  1. Download and install Maven:
  2. Check if Maven is installed correctly. Type in command line: mvn -version
  3. Checkout project from repository:

###Build and run project in IntellijIdea#

  1. In IntellijIDEA navigate to View -> Tool Windows > Maven Project
  2. Select: Execute Maven Goal
  3. Build and run application. Type: clean spring-boot:run
  4. Open the following url in a web browser: http://localhost:8080/DatabaseManager/

###Build and run project in Maven#

  1. In command line go to the project directory
  2. Build and run application. Type in command line: mvn clean spring-boot:run
  3. Open the following url in a web browser: http://localhost:8080/DatabaseManager/

###Build and run as a war packaged application#

  1. In command line go to the project directory
  2. Create an executable war file. Type in command line: mvn clean package
  3. War file is located in /target directory. In command line go to the /target directory.
  4. Run the application from war file. Type in command line: java -jar your_war_file.war e.g. java -jar databasemanager-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war

###Database configuration#

  1. Start MySql server
  2. Create database and user account entity.
  3. Enter database configuration in resources/
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