Releases: MarreTeint/Monochromateur
Monchromateur card v1.0.1
Updated number of data to send and motor rotation
Monochromateur v1.0
Reads and plot datas from a microcontroller
How to use it 💻
Download and launch monochromateur.jar
Make sure your arduino use Serial.print(*Your data n°i*)
and then use Serial.print('\n')
(the data sent corresponds to the Y axis)
Caution 😰
- I haven't implemented floats
- Make sure you have at least Java 17
Corrected 👍
- Slider updated with data sent
Microcontroller v1.0
This is the code for your microcontroller
How to use it 💻
Download the code and upload it to your arduino
Caution 😰
- I haven't tried to send floats so this is at your own risk
- Make sure you have an arduino uno or compatible
What does it do 🤓
- Initialise default data values
- Wait for start instruction
- Move the motor step by step & acquire data
- Do the math stuff
- Send result via USB
Monochromateur 0.4
Reads and plot datas from a microcontroller
How to use it 💻
Download and launch monochromateur.jar
Make sure your arduino use Serial.print(*Your data n°i*)
and then use Serial.print('\n')
(the data sent corresponds to the Y axis)
Caution 😰
- I haven't tried to send floats so this is at your own risk
- Make sure you have at least Java 17
Enhancement 😎
- Display the color of the wavelength corresponding to the location of the cursor
- deletion of useless files
Monochromateur 0.3
Reads and plot datas from a microcontroller
How to use it 💻
Download and launch monochromateur.jar
Make sure your arduino use Serial.print(*Your data n°i*)
and then use Serial.print('\n')
(the data sent corresponds to the Y axis)
Caution 😰
- I haven't tried to send floats so this is at your own risk
- Make sure you have at least Java 17
Enhancement 😎
- Display of buttons, combo box ...
Corrected - Issues closed 👍
Monochromateur 0.2
Reads and plot datas from a microcontroller
How to use it 💻
Download and launch monochromateur.jar
Make sure your arduino use Serial.print(*Your data n°i*)
and then use Serial.print('\n')
(the data sent corresponds to the Y axis)
Caution 😰
- I haven't tried to send floats so this is at your own risk
- Make sure you have at least JDK 17
Enhancement 😎
- A progress indicator is now displayed during the time that you get the data from the microcontroller
- You can now select a COM port (progress of the issue #2 but still not the target)
Monochromateur 0.1
Reads and plot datas from an arduino
How to use it 💻
Download and launch monochromateur.jar
Make sure your arduino use Serial.print(*Your data n°i*)
and then use Serial.print('\n')
Caution 😰
- I haven't tried to send floats so this is at your own risk
- Arduino MUST be on COM3, for any other COM port, change it in the source code and recompile it (issue #2 )
Corrected - Issues closed 👍
- Issue #1 : HCI is now no more gluttonous