There is nothing in this READ ME, because this project does not need to be maintained or explained. It is just a few pictures designed by me when I was very dissatisfied with its interface when I was playing the Microsoft Solitaire Collection. Non-professional designers, I hope that professionals will participate. If MSFT saw this READ ME and redesigned the MS Solitaire Collection, it would make me happy. :)
您无需看READ ME,因为这个项目不需要维护和说明,仅仅是本人在玩Microsoft Solitaire Collection时对其界面感到十分不满而设计的几张图而已,非专业设计师,希望有专业人士参与。如果MSFT看到这条READ ME从而对MS Solitaire Collection重新设计那是再好不过了 :)