Small python module for reading /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases from isc-dhcp-server. This module works in Python 2.7 and 3.x
This module also supports reading lease files from the isc dhcp daemon running in IPv6 mode (Since version 0.4.0).
$ sudo pip install isc_dhcp_leases
This python module is currently packaged in Debian unstable (release for Debian 9) and will be packaged in Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)
# For the python 2.7 interpreter
$ sudo apt install python-isc-dhcp-leases
# For the python 3 interpreter
$ sudo apt install python3-isc-dhcp-leases
$ git clone
$ cd python-isc-dhcp-leases
$ python build
$ sudo python install
from isc_dhcp_leases import Lease, IscDhcpLeases
leases = IscDhcpLeases('/path/to/dhcpd.leases')
leases.get() # Returns the leases as a list of Lease objects
leases.get_current() # Returns only the currently valid dhcp leases as dict
# The key of the dict is the device mac address and the
# Value is a Lease object
Or read a gzip'ed file:
from isc_dhcp_leases import Lease, IscDhcpLeases
# IscDhcpLeases(filename, gzip=False)
leases = IscDhcpLeases('/path/to/dhcpd.leases', True) # True param starts the gzip reader
leases.get() # Returns the leases as a list of Lease objects
leases.get_current() # Returns only the currently valid dhcp leases as dict
# The key of the dict is the device mac address and the
# Value is a Lease object
The Lease object has the following fields (only for IPv4 leases):
lease instanceof Lease
lease.ip # The ip address assigned by this lease as string
lease.ethernet # The mac address of the lease
lease.hardware # The OSI physical layer used to request the lease (usually ethernet)
lease.start # The start time of this lease as DateTime object
lease.end # The time this lease expires as DateTime object or None if this is an infinite lease
lease.hostname # The hostname for this lease if given by the client
lease.binding_state # The binding state as string ('active', 'free', 'abandoned', 'backup') # Dict of all the info in the dhcpd.leases file for this lease
lease.valid # True if the lease hasn't expired and is not in the future # True if the binding state is active
lease.options # List of extra options in the lease file
lease.sets # List of the 'set' items in the lease file
The Lease6 object has the following fields (only for IPv6):
lease instanceof Lease6
lease.ip # The ip address assigned by this lease as string
lease.type # If this is a temporary or permanent address. I's one of the following:
# Lease6.TEMPORARY: Temporary lease
# Lease6.NON_TEMPORARY: Non-temporary lease
# Lease6.PREFIX_DELEGATION: Delegated prefix lease
lease.host_identifier # The unique host identifier (replaces mac addresses in IPv6) as bytes
lease.host_identifier_string # The host_identifier property formatted as an hexadecimal string
lease.duid # The DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) of the host as bytes
lease.iaid # The Interface Association Identifier (IAID) of the host
lease.last_communication # The last communication time with the host
lease.end # The time this lease expires as DateTime object or None if this is an infinite lease
lease.binding_state # The binding state as string ('active', 'free', 'abandoned', 'backup')
lease.preferred_life # The preferred lifetime in seconds
lease.max_life # The valid lifetime for this address in seconds
lease.options # List of extra options in the lease file
lease.sets # List of the 'set' items in the lease file # Dict of all the info in the dhcpd6.leases file for this lease
The unit tests can be run with
$ python3 test
# With coverage report:
$ coverage run test