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Donald F Coffin edited this page Jun 12, 2013 · 2 revisions
  1. Download/Install the Spring Tool Suite Version 3.2.Release
  2. Sign-in to using your personal GitHub ID
  3. Fork the EnergyOS/OpenESPI repository to your personal account
  4. From within STS, use the Import/Git to load your forked repository
  5. For both DataCustodian and Third Party, Do a Project/Clean/BuildAll
  6. Context/Server Setup

    1. Download the Bitnami Apache/MySQL/PHP package (either MAMP, WAMP, or LAMP depending on your OS)
    2. install/start Bitnami using the root:bitnami credentials for mySql
    3. start PhpMyAdmin to look at the MySQL DB
    4. create the "datacustodian" and "thirdparty" data bases using all defaults
    5. from within "datacustodian" db, import the seed datacustodian database from the repository folder datacustodian/database/mysql/datacustodian.sql
    6. from within the "thirdparty" db, import the seed thirdparty database from the repository folder thirdparty/database/mysql/thirdparty.sql

    Starting the services

    from within the STS, select the datacustodian package and run/runas/runOnServer