The Expense Tracker is a simple command-line application written in C#. It allows users to manage their finances by adding, updating, deleting, and listing expenses. The application also provides a summary of total expenses or expenses for a specific month. Sample solution for the Task Tracker challenge from
Expenses are stored in a JSON file and can be manipulated directly from the command line.
- Add an Expense: Add an expense with a description and amount.
- Update an Expense: Update the description and amount of an existing expense by its ID.
- Delete an Expense: Delete an expense by its ID.
- List Expenses: View all recorded expenses, including ID, date, description, and amount.
- Summary of Expenses: Get the total amount of all expenses.
- Monthly Summary: Get the total amount of expenses for a specific month of the current year.
- .NET SDK (Ensure you have installed the .NET SDK)
git clone
cd expense-tracker-cli
- Build the project:
dotnet build
- Run the project:
dotnet run
Once you run the program, you will be prompted with the following options:
Expense Tracker Commands:
1. Add Expense
2. Update Expense
3. Delete Expense
4. List Expenses
5. Show Summary
6. Show Summary for Month
0. Exit
- Add Expense: Adds a new expense.
Select a command: 1
Enter description: Lunch
Enter amount: 20
Expense added successfully (ID: 1)
- List Expenses: Lists all added expenses with details.
Select a command: 4
ID Date Description Amount
1 2024-09-24 Lunch $20.00
- Update Expense: Updates an existing expense using its ID.
Select a command: 2
Enter expense ID to update: 1
Enter new description: Dinner
Enter new amount: 25
Expense (ID: 1) updated successfully.
- Delete Expense: Deletes an expense using its ID.
Select a command: 3
Enter expense ID to delete: 1
Expense deleted successfully.
- Summary of Expenses: Displays the total expenses.
Select a command: 5
Total expenses: $25.00
- Show Summary for a Specific Month: Displays the total expenses for a specified month of the current year.
Select a command: 6
Enter month (1-12): 9
Total expenses for month 9: $25.00
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Feel free to submit a pull request or report issues to help improve the project!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or support, please reach out via GitHub Issues.