Docker compose file for
- an MQTT server (mosquitto)
- InfluxDB and additionally
- chronograf (administration GUI for InfluxDB, visualisation)
- grafana (visualisation of measurement values, graphs)
The service ports internally are default ones, from outside of docker add 20000.
No special users/access control were configured, as these services are meant to be run locally. Look at the docker images documentation for more information about each.
- reachable from outside of docker via http://localhost:28086
- reachable from inside of docker via http://influxdb:8086
reachable from outside of docker via http://localhost:28888/
SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON "iotwind" iotwind
Create admin password for grafana on first connect (default admin:admin)
- access via http://localhost:28080
- InfluxDB data source URL in grafana: http://influxdb:8086
- reach on port localhost:21883
export data to csv with commandline client
influx -host localhost -port 28086 -database iotwind -format csv -execute 'SELECT * from iotwind' > "/tmp/influxdataexport.$(date -I).csv"
influx -host localhost -port 28086 -database iotwind -execute "SELECT * FROM iotwind where deviceid='a3d01'"
some more simple queries
SHOW TAG VALUES ON "iotwind" FROM "iotwind" WITH KEY = "campaign"
SELECT * FROM "iotwind"
SELECT * FROM "iotwind" WHERE "deviceid"='a3d01'
SELECT * FROM "iotwind" WHERE "deviceid"='a3d02'
SELECT * FROM "iotwind" WHERE "campaign"='NoNameKampagne'
The script dumps all data into a csv.gz (gzipped CSV)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-pi4.yaml up