(for Now and later maybe we add other options )
Befor use you should--> pip install MetaTrader5
and you Should install MT5 on your PC and create acount(free and easy)
Now -->
just add libraries next to your code and simply use it
Example (ReadData):
from ReadData import MetaTrader
my_obj = MetaTrader("XAUUSD", "M1",start_pos=1, count=200)
# Get Last 200 candles data From timeframe M1 and symbol 'XAUUSD'
df=my_obj.df_raw # This is a Pandas Dataframe
- df_raw
- df_raw_type1 --> this df has Low9,Low26,Low52 and High9,High26,high52
- df_type1_changed --> this is normalized and scaled data from df_raw_type1
and also we can use
my_obj.update() # This function will update the databases
my_obj.update_last() # This function will update only last databases
After we use our dataframes (for example in sklearn) now we need only last candles data and they here-->
from Visualize import plot_line,plot_candlestick
plot_line(my_obj.df_raw) # its done :D
- order_send
- close_position
- close_sells
- close_buys
- close_all
- positions_total
- positions_total_buy
- positions_total_sell
- terminal_info
Example (Trade):
from Trade import TradeOnMeta
# Get get all buy positions from symbol 'XAUUSD' --> Pandas Dataframe
MT.close_all("BITCOIN") # Close All positions in 'BITCOIN'
MT.order_send("BITCOIN",'Buy',lot=0.25, sl=12000, tp=20000) # Open Trade in 'BITCOIN'
MT.close_sells()# Close All sell position from all symbols
- < we will come back soon >