Create by ID. Improve typings. Childless `when` selectors
Typing of iterable arrays has been improved
Please see the notes at about assigning an entire array in one statement.
Create children by id & related tag function
Within the scope of an extended tag, this.ids
resolves not only as an object with live connections to contained elements by id (as previously), but also a function that can be used to create children by id, for example:
const MyDiv = div.extended({
summary: span,
details: table
constructed() {
return [
h1('Sales report'),
// Create by ID, in this case a span
this.ids({ id: 'summary' }, geSummary()),
// Create by ID, in this case a table
this.ids({ id: 'details' }, ...),
div('Created on ', new Date().toString())
This style removes the chance of the ids
incorrectly referring to a different tag type.
"Childless" when selectors
When selectors, which fire when an identified child or any of its children generates the specified event, can have a ">" suffix with no grandchild specified to suppress grand-child elements fire. For example:
this.when('#form').consume(...); // Fires when the child id 'form' fires a change, or any of it's children do
this.when('#form>').consume(...); // Fires when the child id 'form' fires a change, bit ignores any fired by children of '#form'
- ValidWhenSelector and CSSIdentifier type improved
- EventObservation now uses a WeakRef to improve GC performance if an Element is removed and no event fires that would cause it to be removed
- Improvements in the typing of tags and tag functions
- Some internal type names have been improved
Full Changelog: Release-v0.15.2...Release-v0.15.5