MathHub wants to be a public repository of mathematical knowledge and documents, which means everyone should be able to contribute. But it should also be a portal to high-quality material, which means some kind of quality control system. Following ideas developed for/by the Connexions Project we want to employ a system of (named) "lenses", which give a reader (preferential) access to MathHub material endorsed by a set of chosen lenses.
At its base, a lens L is just an endorsement list, i.e. a list of MathHub knowledge items endorsed as being of sufficient quality and/or interest by L.
A MathHub reader can adopt a lens L for
- restriction: MathHub content outside L (and other lenses adopted for restriction) is invisible to this user
- preference: the MathHub front-end prefers content in L (by some mechanism to be specified for resolving preferences between lenses)
Here is the content of this repos
: some initial representation of example Lenses