A work experience project that aims to try and understand the purpose of different words in a sentence
- Useful documentation:
- NLTK : https://www.nltk.org/
- NLTK Book : https://www.nltk.org/book/
- Coreference Resolution : https://towardsdatascience.com/intro-to-coreference-resolution-in-nlp-19788a75adee
_**Current Issues:**_ - The current tagger could be imporved - This could be done by using a personally curated tagger as seen in, by combining taggers and training test data. I can do this however I don't think the results would be better than using the current imperfect tagger
- Trying to pair pronouns to proper nouns and nouns. E.g. He - Jerrald, They - Tigers etc (but in conext it is obviosubl more complex)
- There are two main types of co-references between pronouns and nouns, anaphora (after) and cataphora (before), where the before/after refers to the positon of pronoun (or equivilent) in relation to the [proper] noun
- pleontasitc 'it', for example "It was raining heavily" - the refers to nothing but is still requird.
- Need to intergrate co-referentails