I don't have any extremely meaningful projects in mind so for now they will all go under one repo. Special thanks to Andrew Owen for the mini-project suggestions.
Wav_reader, volume_decrease and volume_limit are all very similar
wav_reader.c = takes in a .wav file and outputs the same one to same.wav
wav.h = header file for wav headers and data
volume_decrease.c = takes in .wav file, decreases the volume by a percentage into new.wav. I got stuck for a bit on this one because the sample code I looked at used short int, but I needed to use uint8_t.
FIR.c = FIR filter, [0.25, 0.5, 0.25]
Complex_FIR.c = more complex FIR filter (in the works)
plotter.py = plots .wav files for visual analysis (requires scipy and matplotlib, use pip for install)
DFT.c = will turn into a FFT / DFT lib in the future hopefully.
Under course is material from the coursera course on Audio DSP: https://www.coursera.org/learn/audio-signal-processing/
- Weekly assignments