Integration of QtQuick/QML UI with Nya engine
The purpose of this code is to provide a more-or-less complete demonstration of integration between QtQuick component of Qt library and a 3D game engine (in this case, Nya engine).
A project for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 is provided.
It is expected that nya-engine will be present in ext/ folder (as a sub-module - make sure you clone the repository recursively!)
It is also expected that Qt headers, libraries and QML modules of version >= 5.6 will be present in ext\qt5_msvc2015 folder.
- Main loop is handled by Qt. "Game" logic is processed in on_frame function, which is called from beforeRendering signal of QQuickView
- Textures for UI are provided by Nya resource system
- QML imports are NOT provided by Nya resource system, and should be available either from disk, or from additional Qt-style (rcc+qrc) resources
- This example does not require MOC code generator, and demonstrates how to make QML and C++ parts work without access to it