ConnectDrive allows you to auto connect to another computer when you connect a flash drive
You don't need to have the following but it will be useful: Remote Desktop Connection, SSH, Telnet, Another computer to connect with, and the Windows operating system
The IP of the device and the connection method are not encrypted!
Drag the app into the terminal or go into its directory type "CD_cmd -h" this should open up a help menu
Once the program is open you press the 'Create File' or run the 'CD_cmd -create' command for the cmd version after following the steps the program will create a CDIP.lock file which will allow you to connect to your computer without any input
The program searches on the port you selected for the file named CDIP.lock. Once the program finds it, it will connect to the IP via the connection method choosen.
Every line of code written in this program was done by me! I'm still a bit new to Python so don't expect the best code
Last updated 1-September-2024 9:59 PM | a MBD project