Bring Isomorphic javascript to the editor with Meteor API code snippets and grammar/syntax highlighting!
Go to Atom > Open Your Snippets, and copy the contents of snippets/meteor.api.cson
into the file. Once we get the API completely covered, we'll publish through the Atom package system.
# link your atom binary so it can be run from the command line
sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/atom
# open a file
meteor create helloworld
cd helloworld
atom helloworld.js
List of Covered Meteor API Syntax
If you want a complete javascript IDE experience with, we recommend the following packages to run with Meteor API Snippets.
Atom Lint
Atom Beutify
Atom Jshint
Atom Prettify
Bracket Matcher
Filetype Color
Grammar Selector
Wrap Guide
Custom Syntax Highlighting Javascript Grammar
Rexex Tester Color Pallette Wheel
A big shoutout to ThusStyles for piecing together the original meteor-snippets atom package!