This repository aims at guiding the user for the installation of an end-to-end muon scattering tomography framework required for the BND School 2023, held in Wuppertal, Germany. For more information, please have look at the [introductory slides] (not available yet).
N.B: The full installation might take some time. Please make sure that you install the framework prior to the workshop! If you run into issues you cannot solve by yourself, please use the dedicated slack chanel or contact us at
Debuging GEANT4 code can be a painful experience. In order to make this workshop a succes, one need every participant to run the same Operating System (OS) so that everybody is on the same page. A "simple" solution is the use of a Virtual Machine (VM), a compute resource that uses software instead of a physical computer to run programs and deploy apps. Using it, every participant will be able to run the same OS, in our case Ubuntu 22.04.
N.B: If you already run Ubuntu, please get the 22.04 and create a new user account to make sure that our installations do not create any conflicts with your existing working environement. In case you do not want to update, you can create a virtual machine like the others.
First, you want to install the VirtualBox software. The installation guide can be found here. Depending on your OS, you can also checkout these youtube tutorials where is installation is done step by step.
Once VirtualBox is installed, you can go to the next step and create the virtual machine which will host the Ubuntu OS.
First, download the Ubuntu 22.04 iso file from the ubuntu website.
Depending on your initial OS, checkout these videos which detail how to create an Ubuntu virtual machine:
N.B Make sure you assign enough disk to the virtual machine. At least 35 GB.
Now that your virtual machine is created, you have to make sure that you can connect the machine to internet via Wi-Fi, and that you are able to open the terminal.
In case you run into issues, you can check these links:
Using the freshly created Ubuntu virtual machine, we will proceed to the installation of both Root ad GEANT4.
Conda is a very useful tool for packages and dependecies installation and updates. We will use micromamba
( which is a tiny version of the mamba
package manager, itself being a reimplementation of conda
Using micromamba
allows for a straighforward installation of both GEANT4 and Root, as well as all the required packages and libraries.
Open a terminal in your /home/user/
directory and run:
wget -qO- | tar -xvj bin/micromamba
./bin/micromamba shell init -s bash -p ~/micromamba
source ~/.bashrc
Now download the geant-root.yml
and move it to /home/user/
. Go in the /home/usr/
directory (replace usr
by your actual user name) and run:
./bin/micromamba create -f geant-root.yml
Install cmake:
sudo apt install cmake
Let's check if the installation worked:
micromamba activate geant-root
cd micromamba/envs/geant-root/share/Geant4-11.0.3/examples/basic/B1/
mkdir build
cd build
We will now run the cmake ../
cmake ../
Now is the moment of truth! Try to run the exampleB1 by running:
You should see a window poping, which displays the structure of the detector (if you run into errors, please report it in the dedicated Slack channel). Once you it is working properly, you can delete the build directory. Another one will be created during the installation of CRY.
The exampleB1 will be used as base for the activities of this workshop, so do not modify it, neither any other file in the B1 directory (unless we ask you to do so)!
CRY is cosmic-ray shower librairy used to generate correlated cosmic-ray particle shower distributions. Installing it and linking it to GEANT4 will allow us to simulate cosmic muons and propagate them through our detector and volume of interest.
CRY can be downloaded here. Download it, open a terminal window an run:
cd Downloads/
tar -xvf cry_v1.7.tar.gz
mv cry_v1.7 ../micromamba/envs/geant-root/
Now we will go in the cry_directory (micromamba/envs/geant-root/
) and make CRY. This will create a libCRY.a
file in cry_v1.7/lib
cd ../micromamba/envs/geant-root/cry_v1.7/
It is now possible to link CRY to exampleB1. In order to do so, we must modify the CMakeLists.txt so that GEANT4 knows how to access the CRY library (Replace usr
by your username in the path). Since we are here, we will also link Root with GEANT4.
cd /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/share/Geant-4-11.0.3/examples/basic/B1/
Open the CMakeLists.txt
file and after project(B1)
add the following lines:
set(CRY_PATH /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/cry_v1.7)
set(CRY_LIB -L${CRY_PATH}/lib libCRY.a)
# Find ROOT (required package)
find_package(ROOT REQUIRED)
Search for target_link_libraries(exampleB1 ${Geant4_LIBRARIES})
and replace it by target_link_libraries(exampleB1 ${Geant4_LIBRARIES} ${CRY_LIB} ${ROOT_LIBRARIES})
Finally, at line ~60 you should see set(EXAMPLEB1_SCRIPTS ...)
. Simply add cmd.file
as follow:
We need to create the file used to drive the cosmic shower generation. Run the following:
cd /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/share/Geant-4-11.0.3/examples/basic/B1/
nano cmd.file
Paste the following in the file:
/CRY/input returnNeutrons 0
/CRY/input returnProtons 0
/CRY/input returnGammas 0
/CRY/input returnPions 0
/CRY/input returnKaons 0
/CRY/input returnElectrons 0
/CRY/input returnMuons 1
/CRY/input date 7-1-2012
/CRY/input latitude 48.0
/CRY/input altitude 0
/CRY/input subboxLength 1.2
/CRY/input nParticlesMin 1
/CRY/input nParticlesMax 2
/control/execute vis.mac
/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 90. 0.
/vis/filtering/trajectories/particleFilter-0/add mu+
/run/beamOn 1000
Save and exit.
We need to import a few files from the CRY GEANT4 examples in the src/
and include/
directories of our exampleB1 by running:
cd /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/share/Geant-4-11.0.3/examples/basic/B1/src/
cd ..
cd include/
rm PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh
cd /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/cry_v1.7/geant/src/
cp /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/share/Geant-4-11.0.3/examples/basic/B1/src/
cd /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/cry_v1.7/geant/include/
cp PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh RNGWrapper.hh PrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh /home/usr/micromamba/envs/geant-root/share/Geant-4-11.0.3/examples/basic/B1/include/
To make things work, we still have to modify files. All files in /B1/src/
and /B1/include/
start with:
namespace B1{
Open all those files and remove it (Do not forget to also remove the brackets!).
We must tell GEANT4 where the CRY data is located. Using search and replace (ctrl + h), search all instances of ../data
in the B1/src/
file and replace them by the actual path to cry_v1.7 data, which should be:
You must also include the G4SystemOfUnits.hh
file by adding #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
Open the B1/src/
file and replace SetUserAction(new PrimaryGeneratorAction);
by SetUserAction(new PrimaryGeneratorAction(""));
Open the B1/src/
file and comment lines from 105 to 150. (Within void RunAction::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run* run){}
Open the B1/
file, and replace line 90 if ( ! ui ){
by if (argc>1){
Now is the moment of truth! Run the modified exampleB1:
cd B1/
mkdir build
cd build
Before running cmake ../
, make sure you are in the build/
cmake ../
./exampleB1 cmd.file
You should see a window poping, which displays the structure of the detector (if you run into errors, please report it in the dedicated Slack channel).
We will use python to analyse the simulated data. We need to create an environment with all the required libraries. Once again, micromamba
can do that with just one command line:
micromamba create -n muograph_env jupyterlab pandas scikit-spatial scikit-learn pyqt joblib qt fastprogress -c conda-forge
micromamba activate muograph_env
After downloading the repositoy, open a terminal window and run:
jupyter lab
Try to run a few cells from the Tutorial_0 to see if everything is running smoothly (if you run into errors, please report it in the dedicated Slack channel).
Now the framework is finally ready to go! Apologies for this painful installation prcedures and see you at the workshop!