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AirSensor2 R Package

Utilities for working with air quality monitoring data from low-cost sensors
with a focus on small particulates (PM2.5). Initial focus is on sensors
produced by 'PurpleAir' <>.


The AirSensor2 package is a refactoring of the core data access and manipulation functionality found in the AirSensor package. The goal in AirSensor2 is to create a lean, generic package that is more easily maintained and is focused on data ingest and basic data manipulation.

While initially focused on data from PurpleAir sensors, AirSensor2 aims to provide tools that can be used with a wide variety of low-cost air quality sensors so that local communities can more easily access, QC and visualize local air quality.

Development of the original AirSensor package was supported by the South Coast Air Quality Management District with funds from a US EPA STAR grant. Additional support was provided by the US Forest Service AirFire Research Team.

The AirSensor2 is currently seeking sponsors for further development.

Initial development of this R package has been supported with funding from the following institutions: