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Releases: MechaDragonX/Majora

Desktop v1.0 - Basically Functional Program

16 Apr 21:08
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New Features

  • Album cover, album name, artist, and title are are visible after selecing a file
  • A toggle-based play/pause button
  • Modified file open dialog to show file types that were originally not visible
  • File menu at the top of the window instead of a button
  • Lots of crash handling


While Playing
16/4/2020 Screenshot 1
Selecting a New Song
16/4/2020 Screenshot 2

Archive Information

All builds are available in standard zip archives and XZ zipped tarballs.

Running Instructions

Just last time there are some issues.

  • Windows
    • Uses AOT compilation.
    • Simply extract the archive and run the *.exe file.
  • Linux and macOS
    • Unfortunately Visual Studio returned errors when attempting to create self-contained builds. This means that you must download .NET Core v3.1. Installation instructions for your OS can be found here.
    • Afterwards, you can run the application by opening up a terminal window in the directory you installed Majora in and running:
$ dotnet Majora

I'll try to create self-contained builds for all platforms in the future.

Desktop v0.1 - Basic Desktop GUI with Play, Pause, and Stop Controls

16 Apr 02:09
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General Information

This release has a basic desktop GUI with play, pause, and stop controls. Not a lot of error-checking has been implemented yet. It's extremely basic and pre-release.

The Windows build uses AOT compilation.

Archive Information

All builds are available in standard zip archives and XZ zipped tarballs.

Running Instructions

  • Windows
    • Simply extract the archive and run the *.exe file.
  • Linux and macOS
    • Unfortunately Visual Studio returned errors when attempting to create self-contained builds. This means that you must download .NET Core v3.1. Installation instructions for your OS can be found here.
    • Afterwards, you can run the application by opening up a terminal window in the directory you installed Majora in and running:
$ dotnet Majora

I'll try to create self-contained builds for all platforms in the future.

Terminal v1.1 - The REAL Final Version

11 Apr 17:38
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This version implements the changes since v1.0 which was mainly moving all the code outside of what runs the program to a separate project so that it can be used as a library in the terminal and future GUI program.

Unfortunately this change means that the builds archives don't have single executable (*.exe or *.terminal) since Visual Studio spit out errors when trying to trying to compile to a single file. The Windows version now no longer has AOT compilation, which is a shame.

Because of this, the archives have a million extra files, mainly *.dll and what ever files are needed for the specific environments. The Majora.Terminal executable is what you need to run.

Builds are available below for 64-bit versions of Windows, Linux, and macOS and are available in zip archives and XZ tarballs for all platforms.

Terminal v1.0 - Final Release of Terminal Version for Now

11 Apr 16:35
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This version improves the execution loop by making it more efficient and modular. With that, I feel like I've done all I want to with this aspect of the project. I've created a good code base I can use in the future GUI version, so this will the final release for the terminal program for now.

The builds are all for 64-bit Windows, Linux, and macOS. Standard zip archives and XZ tarballs are available for all platforms.

Terminal v0.2 - Volume Control (plus test mode nixed)

11 Apr 01:36
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Now with volume control! Type volume help or mute help for help with the new commands!

Windows and macOS binaries are standard zipped. Linux binary is gzipped.

Terminal v0.1 - A Mildly Functional Program (comes with test mode)

10 Apr 23:41
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When you open the included *.exe file, you are prompted with Internal or Global?. "Internal" refers to the test mode. The test mode functions based on a preset library of files in a test directory. The files I used for that are also provided. "Global" refers to a standard use mode. Write the path to your file and then use it!

A help command is available. Type help to get information on all commands. Type <command> help to get information on that command.

The main program is in majora.terminal-v0.1-<os type> files. The Linux build is gzipped and rest are standard zipped. The test files are available in