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Jacob edited this page Sep 8, 2019
1 revision
# #
# Default plugin message descriptions #
# #
# Notes: #
# - /n Will create a new line in the description #
# - {#}'s are used in messages that use extra data #
# #
# - {#=""} is used in messages that may contain null values, in that case #
# the message in "" will be used instead #
# #
# Notice: #
# This file is overridden after each update, create a custom .lang file #
# if you want to customize messages. Make sure to set 'lang' in config.yml #
# to the file you created. #
# #
version: 1.2
# Called if there was an issue retrieving a message
unknown: "&cUnknown Message"
# Hats #
# Adds this description to any hats the player has equipped.
# Only visible in menus
# {1=}: Extra spacing added if the item has a description
hat_equipped_description: "{1=/n}&3Equipped"
# Sent when players equip a hat, if the hat has a custom equip message, then that one will be sent
# {1}: The hat's display name
hat_equipped: "{1} &7equipped"
# Sent when a player tries to equip a hat while vanished.
# {1}: The hat's display name
hat_equipped_vanished: "{1} &7equipped while vanished"
# You can set how many hats a player can have equipped at once,
# Players will see this message when they try to equip more than allowed
hat_equipped_overflow: "&cYou can only equip {1} hats at a time"
# Sent when a player does not have permission to equip this hat
hat_no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission for this hat"
# World #
# Sent when players try to equip particles in a world that is blacklisted
world_disabled: "&cParticles are disabled in this world"
# Sent when the player does not have permission for this world
world_no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission for this world"
# Commands (Misc) #
# Trying to execute an unknown command
command_error_unknown: "&cUnknown command, try &7/h help &cfor a list of commands"
# Trying to execute a command they don't have permission for
command_error_no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command"
# Trying to execute a player command from the server console
command_error_player_only: "&cYou must be a player to use this command, try &7/h help"
# Missing arguments in a command
command_error_arguments: "&cWrong number of arguments"
# Trying to create a menu that already exists
# {1}: The name of the menu
command_error_menu_exists: "&7'&c{1}&7' already exists"
# Trying to access a menu that doesn't exist
# {1}: The name of the menu
command_error_unknown_menu: "&cUnable to find menu '&7{1}&c'"
# Trying to access a group menu that doesn't exist
# {1}: The name of the menu
command_error_unknown_group_menu: "&cUnable to find group menu '&7{1}&c'"
# Trying to reference a player that doesn't exist
# {1}: The name of the player
command_error_unknown_player: "&7Unable to find '&c{1}&7'"
# Trying to reference a player that isn't online
# {1}: The name of the player
command_error_offline_player: "&7'&c{1}&7' is offline"
# Trying to create a group that already exists
# {1}: The name of the group
command_error_group_exists: "&7Group '&c{1}&7' already exists"
# Trying to edit / delete a group that doesn't exist
# {1}: The name of the group
command_error_unknown_group: "&cUnable to find group '&7{1}&c'"
# Trying to add an existing custom type into the MySQL database
# {1}: The name of the custom type
command_error_type_exists: "&7Type '&c{1}&7' already exists in the database"
# Trying to reference a custom type that doesn't exist
# {1}: The name of the custom type
command_error_unknown_type: "&cUnable to find type &7'{1}&c'"
command_error_already_editing: "&cYou cannot use this command while editing a menu"
# Commands #
# Main command
command_main_description: "Main Command"
command_main_usage: "/h"
command_main_default_menu_error: "&cThere is no default menu set in config.yml"
# Help Command
command_help_description: "Displays all commands and their usage"
command_help_usage: "/h help"
# Reload Command
command_reload_description: "Reloads the plugin's configuration files"
command_reload_usage: "/h reload"
command_reload_success: "&aParticleHats reloaded"
# Clear Command
command_clear_description: "Removes all of the players active particles"
command_clear_usage: "/h clear"
command_clear_success: "&aAll particles cleared"
# Clear Player Command
command_clear_player_description: "Removes all particles for the target player"
command_clear_player_usage: "/h clear <player>"
# {1}: The name of the player
command_clear_player_success: "&aAll particles cleared for {1}"
# Create command
command_create_description: "Creates a new menu with the given name"
command_create_usage: "/h create <menu name>"
# {1}: The name of the newly created menu
command_create_success: "&aCreated menu {1}"
command_create_invalid: "&cInvalid menu name"
# Edit Command
command_edit_description: "Opens the selected menu for editing"
command_edit_usage: "/h edit <menu name>"
# Meta Command
# Used to edit meta properties inside menus.
command_meta_description: "Lets the player edit meta properties while editing a menu"
command_meta_usage: "/h meta <value>"
# Open Command
command_open_description: "Opens the selected menu"
command_open_usage: "/h open <menu name>"
# {1}: The name of the menu the player is trying to open
command_open_error: "&cCan't open menu '&7{1}&c' from command"
# Open Player Command
command_open_player_description: "Opens the selected menu for the target player"
command_open_player_usage: "/h open <menu name> <player>"
# {1}: Name of the player
command_open_player_editing: "&c{1} can't open menus while editing"
# Particles Command
command_particle_description: "Lets players manage their equipped particles"
command_particle_usage: "/h particles"
# Set Command
command_set_description: "Creates a new hat from the given label and equips it to the player"
command_set_usage: "/h set <player> <label> <tellPlayer true|false>"
# {1}: The label being set
command_set_label_error: "&cUnable to find label '&7{1}&c'"
# {1}: The name of the player
command_set_already_set: "&c{1} is already wearing this hat"
# {1}: The hat's display name
command_set_success: "&aYou were given the {1} &ahat"
# Add Group Command
command_add_group_description: "Add a new group, use weight to determine a groups priority"
command_add_group_usage: "/h group add <name> <menu> <weight>"
# {1}: The name of the newly added group
command_add_group_success: "&aAdded group &3'{1}'"
# Delete Group Command
command_remove_group_description: "Removes a group"
command_remove_group_usage: "/h group remove <group>"
# {1}: The name of the group deleted
command_remove_group_success: "&aGroup '&3{1}&a' removed"
# Edit Group Command
command_edit_group_description: "Edit an existing group"
command_edit_group_usage: "/h group edit <group> <menu> <weight>"
# {1}: The name of the group
command_edit_group_success: "&aUpdated group '&3{1}&a'"
# Group Info Command
command_group_info_description: "Lists all available groups"
command_group_info_usage: "/h group info"
command_group_info_tip: "&3Groups:"
# {1}: Group name
# {2}: Group menu
# {3}: Group weight
command_group_info: "&3name: &f{1} &3menu: &f{2} &3weight: &f{3}"
# Add Type Command
# This command will only work if you're using a MySQL database
command_add_type_description: "Adds a custom type to the MySQL database"
command_add_type_usage: "/h type add <type>"
command_add_type_error: "&cThis command only works with a MySQL database"
# {1}: The name of the custom type added
command_add_type_success: "&aAdded '&3{1}&a' to the database"
# Remove Type Command
command_remove_type_description: "Removes a custom type from the MySQL database"
command_remove_type_usage: "/h type remove <type>"
command_remove_type_success: "&aRemoved '&3{1}&a' from the database"
# {1}: The name of the custom type
# Not current being used
command_remove_type_prompt: "&a'&3{1}&a' is being used currently, use /h type remove {1} again to remove"
# Import Command
command_import_description: "Adds an existing .yml menu into the MySQL database"
command_import_usage: "/h import <menu>"
# {1}: The name of the menu imported into the MySQL database
command_import_success: "&aAdded '&3{1}&a' to the MySQL database"
# {1}: The name of the menu
command_import_error: "&cThere was an error importing this menu error: {1}"
# Purchase Menu #
# Generic purchase menu properties
# These are only used if you have not created a custom purchase menu yet
purchase_menu_title: "Confirm Purchase"
purchase_menu_confirm: "&3Accept Purchase"
purchase_menu_cancel: "&cCancel Purchase"
# Particles #
particle_none_name: "&bNone"
particle_none_description: "Does Nothing"
particle_barrier_name: "&bBarrier"
particle_barrier_description: "Barrier Blocks"
particle_block_crack_name: "&bBlock Crack"
particle_block_crack_description: "Breaking blocks"
particle_block_dust_name: "&bBlock Dust"
particle_block_dust_description: "Running on top of blocks"
particle_bubble_column_up_name: "&bBubble Column Up"
particle_bubble_column_up_description: "Bubbles floating upwards in a column/n/n&cWorks best in water"
particle_bubble_pop_name: "&bBubble Pop"
particle_bubble_pop_description: "Bubbles popping"
particle_cloud_name: "&bCloud"
particle_cloud_description: "Cloud that appears when an/n&8entity is killed"
particle_crit_name: "&bCritical Hit"
particle_crit_description: "Critically damaging an entity"
particle_crit_magic_name: "&bMagic Critical Hit"
particle_crit_magic_description: "Critically damaging an entity/n&8with an enchanted weapon"
particle_current_down_name: "&bCurrent Down"
particle_current_down_description: "Bubbles being pulled down/n/n&cWorks best in water"
particle_damage_indicator_name: "&bDamage Indicator"
particle_damage_indicator_description: "Hearts that appear when/n&8a player is attacked"
particle_dragon_breath_name: "&bDragons Breath"
particle_dragon_breath_description: ""
particle_drip_lava_name: "&bDripping Lava"
particle_drip_lava_description: "Lava dripping through a block"
particle_drip_water_name: "&bDripping Water"
particle_drip_water_description: "Water dripping through a block"
particle_dolphin_name: "&bDolphins Grace"
particle_dolphin_description: "Trails behind a Dolphin"
particle_enchantment_table_name: "&bEnchantment Runes"
particle_enchantment_table_description: "Enchantment runes"
particle_end_rod_name: "&bEnder Rod"
particle_end_rod_description: "White particles from an End Rod"
particle_explosion_huge_name: "&bHuge Explosion"
particle_explosion_huge_description: "When the Ender Dragon is killed"
particle_explosion_large_name: "&bLarge Explosion"
particle_explosion_large_description: "Explosions from Ghast fireballs/n&8& Wither skulls"
particle_explosion_normal_name: "&bNormal Explosion"
particle_explosion_normal_description: "Small explosions, usually from spawners,/n&8killing mobs, and silverfish infesting blocks"
particle_falling_dust_name: "&bFalling Dust"
particle_falling_dust_description: "Particles from floating Sand & Gravel blocks"
particle_fireworks_spark_name: "&bFirework Sparks"
particle_fireworks_spark_description: "A fireworks rocket trail"
particle_flame_name: "&bFlame"
particle_flame_description: "From Furnaces, Spawners, & Torches"
particle_heart_name: "&bHearts"
particle_heart_description: "Breeding & taming animals"
particle_item_crack_name: "&bItem Crack"
particle_item_crack_description: "Displayed by eating, or/n&8throwing various items"
particle_lava_name: "&bLava"
particle_lava_description: "Fire that shoots out of lava"
particle_mob_appearance_name: "&bMob Appearance"
particle_mob_appearance_description: "Elder Guardians effect"
particle_nautilus_name: "&bNautilus"
particle_nautilus_description: "From activated Conduits"
particle_note_name: "&bNoteblock Notes"
particle_note_description: "Notes, have random colors when/n&8speed is set to 1"
particle_portal_name: "&bPortal"
particle_portal_description: "Nether Portals, Endermen,/n&8Endermites, & Ender Pearls"
particle_redstone_name: "&bRedstone Dust"
particle_redstone_description: "From redstone, can have unique/n&8colors & be scaled"
particle_slime_name: "&bSlime"
particle_slime_description: "When a Slime jumps"
particle_smoke_large_name: "&bLarge Smoke"
particle_smoke_large_description: "Fire, Blazes & water/n&8flowing into lava"
particle_smoke_normal_name: "&bNormal Smoke"
particle_smoke_normal_description: "Mainly torches & various other blocks"
particle_snow_shovel_name: "&bSnow Shovel"
particle_snow_shovel_description: "Thrown snowballs"
particle_snowball_name: "&bSnowballs"
particle_snowball_description: "Thrown snowballs"
particle_spell_name: "&bSpells"
particle_spell_description: "Splash potions, lingering potions &/n&8bottle o' enchanting"
particle_spell_instant_name: "&bInstant Spells"
particle_spell_instant_description: "Instant splash & lingering potions"
particle_spell_mob_name: "&bMob Spells"
particle_spell_mob_description: ""
particle_spell_mob_ambient_name: "&bAmbient Mod Spells"
particle_spell_mob_ambient_description: ""
particle_spell_witch_name: "&bWitch Spell"
particle_spell_witch_description: ""
particle_spit_name: "&bLlama Spit"
particle_spit_description: ""
particle_squid_ink_name: "&bSquid Ink"
particle_squid_ink_description: "Ink when a Squid dies"
particle_suspended_name: "&bSuspended"
particle_suspended_description: ""
particle_suspended_depth_name: "&bSuspended Depth"
particle_suspended_depth_description: ""
particle_sweep_attack_name: "&bSweeping Attack"
particle_sweep_attack_description: "A swords sweep attack"
particle_totem_name: "&bTotem of Undying"
particle_totem_description: "Activated Totem of Undying"
particle_town_aura_name: "&bTown Aura"
particle_town_aura_description: "Mycelium block particles"
particle_villager_angry_name: "&bAngry Villager"
particle_villager_angry_description: "Attacking a Villager"
particle_villager_happy_name: "&bHappy Villager"
particle_villager_happy_description: "Trading with a Villager"
particle_water_bubble_name: "&bWater Bubbles"
particle_water_bubble_description: "Bubbles created from entities swimming/n/n&cWorks best in water"
particle_water_drop_name: "&bWater Droplets"
particle_water_drop_description: "Water splashing on the ground"
particle_water_splash_name: "&bWater Splash"
particle_water_splash_description: "Water splashing on the ground"
particle_water_wake_name: "&bWater Wake"
particle_water_wake_description: "Fishing particles"
particle_itemstack_name: "&bItem Stack"
particle_itemstack_description: "&8Drops items instead of particles/n/n&cWarning: Too many items spawning/n&cmay cause lag"
particle_campfire_cosy_smoke_name: "&bCosy Smoke"
particle_campfire_cosy_smoke_description: "Smoke from a campfire"
particle_campfire_signal_smoke_name: "&bSignal Smoke"
particle_campfire_signal_smoke_description: "Smoke from a campfire, lasts longer"
particle_composter_name: "&bComposter"
particle_composter_description: "Composter particles"
particle_falling_lava_name: "&bFalling Lava"
particle_falling_lava_description: "Same as dripping lava/n&8without the delay"
particle_falling_water_name: "&bFalling Water"
particle_falling_water_description: "Same as dripping water/n&8without the delay"
particle_flash_name: "&eFlash"
particle_flash_description: ""
particle_sneeze_name: "&bSneeze"
particle_sneeze_description: ""
particle_empty_space_name: "&bEmpty Space"
particle_empty_space_description: "&8By default the particle &cNONE/n&8gets replaced by the first particle/n&8a hat has, this one does not/n/n&8Use it when you don't want/n&8a particle to display"
particle_landing_lava_name: "&bLanding Lava"
particle_landing_lava_description: "&8Dripping lava particle after it hits/n&8the ground"
# Locations #
location_head_name: "Head"
location_chest_name: "Chest"
location_feet_name: "Feet"
# Types #
type_none_name: "&cNone"
type_none_description: "&8Does absolutely nothing"
type_halo_name: "&bHalo"
type_halo_description: "&8A ring of particles for the/n&8players head"
type_trail_name: "&bTrail"
type_trail_description: "&8Displays a small cloud of particles/n&8with random offsets"
type_cape_name: "&bCape"
type_cape_description: "&8A Cape worn on the players back"
type_wings_name: "&bWings"
type_wings_description: "&8Default Wings"
type_vortex_name: "&bVortex"
type_vortex_description: "&8A Swirling cone that gets/n&8larger at the bottom"
type_arch_name: "&bArch"
type_arch_description: "&8A half circle that sits/n&8above the players head"
type_atom_name: "&bAtom"
type_atom_description: "&83 rings that create an atom shape"
type_sphere_name: "&bSphere"
type_sphere_description: "&8A sphere consisting of 10 rings"
type_crystal_name: "&bCrystal"
type_crystal_description: "&8A Plumbob, from the Sims"
type_helix_name: "&bHelix"
type_helix_description: ""
type_inverse_vortex_name: "&bInverse Vortex"
type_inverse_vortex_description: "&8Inverted version of the Vortex"
type_hoop_name: "&bHoop"
type_hoop_description: "&82 Particles that spin around/n&8the player in a circle"
type_susanoo_name: "&bSusanoo"
type_susanoo_description: ""
type_angel_wings_name: "&bAngel Wings"
type_angel_wings_description: ""
type_creeper_hat_name: "&bCreeper Hat"
type_creeper_hat_description: "&8A Creepers lovely face"
type_clean_trail_name: "&bSingle Particle"
type_clean_trail_description: "&8A single particle, use it however you want"
type_tornado_name: "&bTornado"
type_tornado_description: ""
type_custom_name: "&bCustom"
type_custom_description: ""
# Actions #
action_equip_name: "&bEquip"
action_equip_description: "&8Equips this particle"
action_toggle_name: "&bToggle"
action_toggle_description: "&8Toggles a players active/n&8particles on/off"
action_close_name: "&bClose"
action_close_description: "&8Closes this menu"
action_dummy_name: "&bDummy"
action_dummy_description: "&8Does nothing. Can be used/n&8to show information"
action_override_name: "&bOverride"
action_override_description: "&8Equips this hat ignoring/n&8permissions"
action_clear_name: "&bClear"
action_clear_description: "&8Removes all active particles"
action_command_name: "&bCommand"
action_command_description: "&8Executes a command"
action_open_menu_name: "&bOpen Menu"
action_open_menu_description: "&8Opens a menu"
action_open_menu_permission_name: "&bOpen Menu with Permission"
action_open_menu_permission_description: "&8Opens a menu only if/n&8the player has permission"
action_purchase_confirm_name: "&bAccept Purchase"
action_purchase_confirm_description: "&8Purchases and equips this hat"
action_purchase_deny_name: "&bCancel Purchase"
action_purchase_deny_description: "&8Cancels a purchase"
action_purchase_item_name: "&bPurchase Item"
action_purchase_item_description: "&8Replaces this item with whichever hat/n&8the player is trying to purchase"
action_mimic_name: "&bMimic Left Click"
action_mimic_description: "&8Copies the left click action"
action_demo_name: "&bDemo"
action_demo_description: "&8Let players equip this particle/n&8for a set amount of time"
action_active_particles_name: "&bActive Particles"
action_active_particles_description: "&8Opens a special menu where the/n&8player can manage their/n&8active particles"
# Modes #
mode_active_name: "Active"
mode_active_description: "&8Always displays particles"
mode_when_moving_name: "When Moving"
mode_when_moving_description: "&8Only displays particles when/n&8the player is moving"
mode_when_afk_name: "When AFK"
mode_when_afk_description: "&8Only displays particles when/n&8the player is marked as AFK"
mode_when_peaceful_name: "When Peaceful"
mode_when_peaceful_description: "&8Only displays particles when/n&8the player is not attacking"
mode_when_gliding_name: "When Gliding"
mode_when_gliding_description: "&8Only displays particles when/n&8the player is using an Elytra"
mode_when_sprinting_name: "When Sprinting"
mode_when_sprinting_description: "&8Only display particles while/n&8the player is running"
mode_when_swimming_name: "When Swimming"
mode_when_swimming_description: "&8Only display particles while/n&8the player is swimming"
mode_when_flying_name: "When Flying"
mode_when_flying_description: "&8Only display particles while/n&8the player has creative flight"
# Meta #
meta_error: "&cYou are not editing a menu"
meta_hat_name_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <name> &6to rename"
meta_hat_name_description: "Type the &eName &finto chat, or '&ccancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_name_suggestion: "hat name..."
meta_hat_label_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <label> &6to rename"
meta_hat_label_description: "Type the &eLabel &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_label_suggestion: "label..."
meta_hat_command_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <command> &6to rename"
meta_hat_command_description: "Type the &eCommand &7(without '/') &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_command_suggestion: "command..."
meta_hat_description_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <description> &6to rename"
meta_hat_description_description: "Type the &eDescription &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_description_suggestion: "description..."
meta_hat_permission_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <permission> &6to rename"
meta_hat_permission_description: "Type the &ePermission &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_permission_suggestion: "permission..."
meta_hat_permission_description_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <description> &6to rename"
meta_hat_permission_description_description: "Type the &eDescription &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_permission_description_suggestion : "description..."
meta_hat_permission_message_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <permission message> &6to rename"
meta_hat_permission_message_description: "Type the &eMessage &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_permission_message_suggestion: "permission message..."
meta_hat_equip_message_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <equip message> &6to rename"
meta_hat_equip_message_description: "Type the &eMessage &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_equip_message_suggestion: "equip message..."
meta_hat_tag_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <tag> &6to set"
meta_hat_tag_description: "Type the &eTag &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_hat_tag_suggestion: "tag..."
meta_menu_title_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <title> &6to rename"
meta_menu_title_description: "Type the &eTitle &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_menu_title_suggestion: "menu title..."
meta_menu_alias_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <alias> &6to assign"
meta_menu_alias_description: "Type the &eAlias &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_menu_alias_suggestion: "menu alias"
meta_new_menu_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <menu name> &6to create a new menu"
meta_new_menu_description: "Type the &eName &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_new_menu_suggestion: "menu name..."
meta_block_search_usage: "&6Use &f/h meta <block name> &6to search"
meta_block_search_description: "Type the &eBlock Name &finto chat, or '&6cancel&f' to return"
meta_block_search_suggestion: "block name..."
# Tracking Methods #
track_nothing_name: "Don't Follow Movement"
track_head_movement_name: "Follow Head Movement"
track_body_rotation_name: "Follow Body Rotation"
# Animation #
animation_static_name: "&bStatic"
animation_static_description: "&8Displays all particles at once"
animation_animated_name: "&bAnimated"
animation_animated_description: "&8Iterates over a types particles/n&8displaying them as an animation"
# Display Mode #
display_mode_display_in_order_name: "Pick icons in order"
display_mode_display_randomly_name: "Pick icons randomly"
# Active Particles #
active_particles_menu_title: "Equipped Particles"
# {1=}: Value used if the had is enabled
# {2=}: Value used if the had is disabled
active_particles_hat_description: "/n&8Status:/n&8» &e{1=&aActive}{2=&cHidden}/n/n&3Left Click to Toggle/n&cShift Right Click to Remove"
# Editor #
# General
editor_misc_main_menu: "&6Main Menu"
editor_misc_go_back: "&6Back"
editor_misc_close: "&6Close"
editor_misc_equip: "&bTry it on"
editor_misc_new_particle: "&bNew Particle"
editor_misc_next_page: "&3Next Page"
editor_misc_previous_page: "&3Previous Page"
editor_misc_empty_menu: "&cEmpty"
editor_misc_search: "&3Search"
# Particles
# {1}: The name of the particle
editor_particle_misc_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Particle"
# {1}: The name of the particle
# {2}, {3}, {4}: RGB colour value
editor_particle_rgb_colour_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&8Colour:/n&8» R: &e{2}/n&8» G: &e{3}/n&8» B: &e{4}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Particle/n&cRight Click to Change Colour"
# {1}: The name of the particle
editor_particle_random_colour_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&8Colour:/n&8» &eRandom/n/n&3Left Click to Change Particle/n&cRight Click to Change Colour"
# {1}: The name of the particle
editor_particle_misc_colour_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Particle/n&cRight Click to Change Colour"
# {1}: The name of the particle
# {2}: Name of the block
editor_particle_block_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&8Block:/n&8» &e{2}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Particle/n&cRight Click to Change Block Data"
# {1}: The name of the particle
# {2}: Name of the item
editor_particle_item_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&8Item:/n&8» &e{2}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Particle/n&cRight Click to Change Item Data"
# {1}: The name of the particle
# {2}: How many items are loaded
editor_particle_itemstack_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&8Items:/n&8» &e{2}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Particle/n&cRight Click to Edit Items"
# Base Menu
# {1=}: Name of menu being edited + '...' if title goes past character limit
editor_base_menu_title: "Editing ({1=...}&r)"
editor_empty_slot_title: "&bEmpty Slot"
editor_slot_description: "&3Left Click to Edit/n&3Right Click for Settings"
editor_hat_footer_description: "&3Left Click to Edit/n&3Right Click for Settings/n&cShift Right Click to Delete"
# {1}: The slot this hat is in
editor_hat_slot_description: "&7Slot: &f{1}"
# {1}: The name of this hat's type
editor_hat_type_description: "&7Type: &f{1}"
# {1}: The name of this hat's location
editor_hat_location_description: "&7Location: &f{1}"
# {1}: The name of this hat's mode
editor_hat_mode_description: "&7Mode: &f{1}"
# {1}: The hat's update frequency
# {2=}: Tick suffix
editor_hat_frequency_description: "&7Update: &f{1} &7tick{2=s}"
# {1=}: How many particles are loaded, or 'None' if none are
editor_hat_particles_description: "&7Particles: &f{1=None}"
# {1}: How many nodes are loaded
editor_hat_nodes_description: "&7Nodes: &f{1}"
# {1}: The hat's left click action
editor_hat_left_click_description: "&7Left Click: &f{1}"
# {1}: The hat's right click action
editor_hat_right_click_description: "&7Right Click: &f{1}"
# {1}: What command the player will execute
editor_hat_command_description: "Run Command (/{1})"
# {1}: Which menu the player will open
editor_hat_menu_description: "Open Menu ({1})"
# {1}: How long this hat will stay equipped for
editor_hat_duration_description: "Equip for {1}"
# Settings Menu
editor_settings_menu_title: "Menu Settings"
editor_settings_menu_set_title: "&bSet Menu Title"
editor_settings_menu_set_alias: "&bSet Menu Alias"
editor_settings_menu_set_size: "&bSet Menu Size"
editor_settings_menu_delete: "&cDelete"
editor_settings_menu_set_purchase_menu: "&bPurchase Menu"
editor_settings_menu_toggle_live_menu: "&bToggle Live Updates"
editor_settings_menu_sync_icons: "&bSync Icons"
# {1}: The title of the menu being edited
editor_settings_menu_title_description: "/n&8Current Title:/n&8» &r{1}"
# {1=}: The alias of the menu being edited, or 'Not Set' if nothing is set
editor_settings_menu_alias_description: "/n&8Current Alias:/n&8» &f{1=&cNot Set}/n/n&8Aliases are a quicker way of/n&8opening menus, use &7/<alias>/n&8to open this menu{2=/n/n&cShift Right Click to Reset}"
# {1=}: Enabled description
# {2=}: Disabled description
editor_settings_menu_animation_description: "/n&8Live Updates:/n&8» {1=&aEnabled}{2=&cDisabled}/n/n&8Hats will cycle through their/n&8icons and display them/n/n&3Click to Toggle"
editor_settings_sync_description: "&8Resets each hat's animation index to 0/n&8so each hat is synced"
# Delete Menu
editor_delete_menu_title: "Delete this Menu?"
editor_delete_menu_yes: "&aYes"
editor_delete_menu_no: "&cI've changed my mind"
# Resize Menu
editor_resize_menu_title: "Resize this menu"
# {1}: The size of the menu (1,2,3,4, ect)
# {2=}: Suffix if size is greater than 1 (1 Row, 2 Row(s))
editor_resize_menu_set_row_size: "&b{1} Row{2=s}"
editor_resize_menu_set_row_description: "&cResizing this menu may result/n&cin lost particle data"
# Main Menu
editor_main_menu_title: "Main Menu"
editor_main_menu_set_type: "&bSet Type"
editor_main_menu_set_location: "&bSet Location"
editor_main_menu_set_meta: "&bSet Meta Properties"
editor_main_menu_set_price: "&bSet Purchase Price"
editor_main_menu_set_speed: "&bSet Speed"
editor_main_menu_set_mode: "&bSet Mode"
editor_main_menu_set_action: "&bSet Action"
editor_main_menu_set_update_frequency: "&bSet Update Frequency"
editor_main_menu_set_count: "&bSet Particle Count"
editor_main_menu_set_angle: "&bSet Angle"
editor_main_menu_set_offset: "&bSet Offset"
editor_main_menu_set_tracking_method: "&bSet Tracking Method"
editor_main_menu_set_sound: "&bSet Sound"
editor_main_menu_set_potion: "&bSet Potion"
editor_main_menu_set_particle: "&bSelect a new Particle"
editor_main_menu_set_icon: "&bSet Item"
editor_main_menu_set_slot: "&bSet Slot"
editor_main_menu_set_scale: "&bSet Scale"
editor_main_menu_clone: "&bCreate a Copy"
editor_main_menu_move: "&bMove"
editor_main_menu_edit_particles: "&bEdit Particles"
editor_main_menu_edit_nodes: "&bEdit Nodes"
editor_main_menu_no_particles: "&bNo Particles"
editor_main_menu_custom_type_error: "&cUnable to find image"
# {1}: Particle count
editor_main_menu_count_description: "/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1"
# {1}: Particle Speed
editor_main_menu_speed_description: "/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1"
# {1=}: Particle Price
editor_main_menu_price_description: "/n&8» &e{1=Free} &8{2}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&cShift Click to Adjust by 10"
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Vector x, y, & z
editor_main_menu_vector_description: "/n&8» X: &e{1}/n&8» Y: &e{2}/n&8» Z: &e{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Change/n&cShift Right Click to Clear"
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Offset x, y, & z
# {4}, {5}, {6}: Random Offset x, y, & z
editor_main_menu_offset_description: "/n&8Offset:/n&8» X: &e{1}/n&8» Y: &e{2}/n&8» Z: &e{3}/n/n&8Random Offset:/n&8» X: &e{4}/n&8» Y: &e{5}/n&8» Z: &e{6}/n/n&3Left Click to Change"
# {1}: Previous Location
# {2}: Current Location
# {3}: Next Location
editor_main_menu_location_description: "/n&8• {1}/n&8» &e{2}/n&8• {3}/n/n&3Left Click to Cycle Down/n&3Right Click to Cycle Up"
# {1}: Previous Mode
# {2}: Current Mode
# {3}: Next Mode
# {4}: Mode description
editor_main_menu_mode_description: "/n&8• {1}/n&8» &e{2}/n&8• {3}/n/n{4}/n/n&3Left Click to Cycle Down/n&3Right Click to Cycle Up"
# {1}: Update frequency
# {2=}: Update frequency suffix (Tick, Tick(s))
editor_main_menu_update_frequency_description: "/n&8Updates Every:/n&8» &e{1} &8tick{2=s}/n/n&8Set how often this particle/n&8is updated, 1 = fastest/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
editor_main_menu_icon_description: "&8Change the item that will we displayed/n&8inside this menu"
# {1=}: Sound name
# {2}: Sound volume
# {3}: Sound pitch
# {4=}: Value used if we can reset this hat's sound
editor_main_menu_sound_description: "/n&8Sound: &7{1=&cNot Set}/n&8Volume: &7{2}/n&8Pitch: &7{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Change{4=/n&cShift Right Click to Clear}"
editor_main_menu_slot_description: "&8Change where this hat will be/n&8inside this menu"
# {1} Scale
editor_main_menu_scale_description: "/n&8Scale:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&8Adjusts the spacing of each/n&8particle in the current type/n/n&3Left Click to Add 0.1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 0.1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 1/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
editor_main_menu_clone_description: "&8Create a copy of this hat/n&8and place it in a new slot"
editor_main_menu_move_description: "&8Move this hat to a different menu"
# {1}: Left click action
# {2}: Right click action
editor_main_menu_action_description: "/n&8Left Click Action:/n{1}/n/n&8Right Click Action:/n{2}/n/n&3Click to Change Actions"
editor_main_menu_meta_description: "&8Edit various meta properties/n/n&3Left Click to Open/n&3Right Click for Description Shortcut"
# {1=}: Particle Type + extra line for custom type description
# {2}: Custom type name
# {3=}: Extra footer description to toggle type animation if possible
editor_main_menu_type_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1=/n&8» }{2}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Type/n{3=&cShift Click to Change Animation}"
# {1}: Animation name
# {2}: Animation description
editor_main_menu_animation_description: "/n/n&8Animation:/n&8» &e{1}/n{2}"
# {1}: Tracking method
editor_main_menu_tracking_method_description_single: "&8» &e{1}"
# {1}: Previous tracking method
# {2}: Current tracking method
# {3}: Next tracking method
editor_main_menu_tracking_method_description_multiple: "/n&8• {1}/n&8» &e{2}/n&8• {3}/n/n&3Left Click to Cycle Down/n&3Right Click to Cycle Up"
editor_main_menu_node_description: "&8Add a new hat,/n&8or edit an existing one"
# {1=}: Potion name, or 'Not Set' if nothing is set
# {2}: Potion Strength
editor_main_menu_potion_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &e{1=&cNot Set} {2}/n/n&3Click to Change/n&cShift Right Click to Clear"
editor_main_menu_no_particles_description: "&8Select a Type that supports particles"
editor_main_menu_equip_description: "&8Temporarily equip this/n&8hat for 15 seconds"
# Type Menu
# {1}: Current Page
# {2}: Total pages
editor_type_menu_title: "Select a Type {1}/{2}"
# {1}: Name of the current type as defined above
editor_type_menu_type_prefix: "&e{1}"
# {1=}: Name of the current type
# {2}: How many particles this type supports
# {3=}: Particle count suffix
# {4=}: Value used if this type is not selected
# {5=}: Value used if this type is selected
editor_type_menu_type_description: "{1=/n/n}&8Supports &3{2} &8Particle{3=s}/n/n{4=&3Click to Select}{5=&3Selected}"
# {1=}: Value used if custom type is not selected
# {2=}: Value to use if custom type is selected
editor_type_menu_custom_type_description: "{1=&3Click to Select}{2=&3Selected}"
editor_type_menu_included_filter: "&bIncluded Types"
editor_type_menu_custom_filter: "&bCustom Types"
editor_type_menu_no_custom_types: "&cNo Custom Types Found"
# Potion Menu
# {1}: Current Page
# {2}: Total Pages
editor_potion_menu_title: "Select a Potion {1}/{2}"
# {1}: Name of potion
editor_potion_menu_potion_title: "&b{1}"
# {1=}: Value used if potion is not selected
# {2=}: Value used if potion is selected
editor_potion_menu_potion_description: "{1=&3Click to Select}{2=&3Selected}"
editor_potion_menu_set_strength: "&bSet Strength"
# {1=}: Potion strength
editor_potion_menu_strength_description: "/n&8Strength: &e{1=&cNo Potion Set}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1"
# Move Menu
# {1=}: Title of the menu. '...' is added if the menu title is too long
editor_move_menu_title: "Move to ({1=...})"
editor_move_menu_move: "&bMove Here"
editor_move_menu_occupied: "&cOccupied"
editor_move_menu_move_description: "&3Left Click to Move/n&cRight Click to Cancel"
editor_move_menu_occupied_description: "&cRight Click to Cancel"
# Node Overview Menu
editor_node_overview_menu_title: "Edit or Add a Node"
# {1}: Current node index
editor_node_overview_node_title: "&bNode #{1}"
editor_node_overview_menu_node_description: "&3Left Click to Edit/n&cShift Right Click to Delete"
editor_node_overview_menu_add_node: "&bCreate a new Node"
# Icon Menu
editor_icon_overview_menu_title: "Add or Remove Items"
editor_icon_menu_set_main_icon: "&bSet Main Item"
editor_icon_menu_add_icon: "&bAdd an Item"
editor_icon_menu_preview: "&bPreview"
editor_icon_menu_set_display_mode: "&bSet Display Mode"
editor_icon_menu_set_update_frequency: "&bSet Update Frequency"
editor_icon_menu_item_prefix: "&b"
editor_icon_menu_item_title: "Select an Item"
editor_icon_menu_item_info: "&bSelect an Item"
editor_icon_menu_item_description: "&8Select an Item from your inventory"
editor_icon_menu_block_title: "Select a Block"
editor_icon_menu_block_info: "&bSelect a Block"
editor_icon_menu_block_description: "&8Select a Block from your inventory"
# {1}: Update frequency
# {2=}: Tick suffix
editor_icon_menu_update_frequency_description: "/n&7» &8Updates every &e{1} &8tick{2=s}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1"
# {1}: Previous display mode
# {2}: Current display mode
editor_icon_menu_display_mode_description: "/n&8» {1}/n&7» &e{2}/n/n&3Left Click to Cycle Down/n&3Right Click to Cycle Up"
editor_icon_menu_icon_description: "&3Left Click to Change/n&cShift Right Click to Delete"
# Offset Menu
editor_offset_menu_title: "Set Offset"
editor_offset_menu_set_offset_x: "&bSet X Offset"
editor_offset_menu_set_offset_y: "&bSet Y Offset"
editor_offset_menu_set_offset_z: "&bSet Z Offset"
editor_offset_menu_set_random_offset_x: "&bSet Random X Offset"
editor_offset_menu_set_random_offset_y: "&bSet Random Y Offset"
editor_offset_menu_set_random_offset_z: "&bSet Random Z Offset"
# Editing x offset
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Offset x, y, z
editor_offset_menu_offset_x_description: "/n&e» X: {1}/n&8» Y: &7{2}/n&8» Z: &7{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 0.1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 0.1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 1/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
# Editing y offset
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Offset x, y, z
editor_offset_menu_offset_y_description: "/n&8» X: &7{1}/n&e» Y: {2}/n&8» Z: &7{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 0.1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 0.1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 1/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
# Editing z offset
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Offset x, y, z
editor_offset_menu_offset_z_description: "/n&8» X: &7{1}/n&8» Y: &7{2}/n&e» Z: {3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 0.1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 0.1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 1/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
# Angle Menu
editor_angle_menu_title: "Set Angle"
editor_angle_menu_set_angle_x: "&bSet X Angle"
editor_angle_menu_set_angle_y: "&bSet Y Angle"
editor_angle_menu_set_angle_z: "&bSet Z Angle"
# Editing x angle
# {1}, {2}, {3}, Angle x, y, z
editor_angle_menu_angle_x_description: "/n&e» X: {1}/n&8» Y: &7{2}/n&8» Z: &7{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 10/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
# Editing y angle
# {1}, {2}, {3}, Angle x, y, z
editor_angle_menu_angle_y_description: "/n&8» X: &7{1}/n&e» Y: {2}/n&8» Z: &7{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 10/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
# Editing z angle
# {1}, {2}, {3}, Angle x, y, z
editor_angle_menu_angle_z_description: "/n&8» X: &7{1}/n&8» Y: &7{2}/n&e» Z: {3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 10/n&cMiddle Click to Reset"
# Particle Selection Menu
# {1}: Current page
# {2}: Total pages
editor_particle_menu_title: "Supported Particles {1}/{2}"
editor_particle_menu_colour_filter_title: "Filter: Colour"
editor_particle_menu_data_filter_title: "Filter: Data"
editor_particle_menu_recent_filter_title: "Recent Particles"
editor_particle_menu_colour_filter: "&3Colour Filter"
editor_particle_menu_data_filter: "&3Data Filter"
editor_particle_menu_normal_filter: "&3Show All Particles"
editor_particle_menu_recent_filter: "&3Recently Used"
# {1=}: Particle description + two extra lines
# {2=}: Value used if particle is not selected
# {3=}: Value used if particle is selected
editor_particle_menu_particle_description: "&8{1=/n/n}{2=&3Click to Select}{3=&3Selected}"
# Particle Overview Menu
editor_particle_overview_menu_title: "Edit Particles"
# {1}: Particle index being edited
editor_particle_overview_particle_name: "&bParticle #{1}"
# Sound Menu
# {1}: Current page
# {2]: Total pages
editor_sound_menu_misc_title: "Misc Sounds {1}/{2}"
# {1}: Current page
# {2]: Total pages
editor_sound_menu_block_title: "Block Sounds {1}/{2}"
# {1}: Current page
# {2]: Total pages
editor_sound_menu_entity_title: "Entity Sounds {1}/{2}"
editor_sound_menu_set_pitch: "&bSet Pitch"
editor_sound_menu_set_volume: "&bSet Volume"
editor_sound_menu_block_filter: "&bBlock Sound Filter"
editor_sound_menu_entity_filter: "&bEntity Sound Filter"
editor_sound_menu_misc_filter: "&bMisc Filter"
# {1}: Sound name
editor_sound_menu_sound_prefix: "&b{1}"
# {1=}: Value used if sound is selected
editor_sound_menu_sound_description: "&3Left Click to Select/n&3Right Click to Hear{1=/n/n&8Selected}"
# {1}: Volume
editor_sound_menu_volume_description: "/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 0.1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 0.1/n&cShift Click to Adjust by 1"
# {1}: Pitch
editor_sound_menu_pitch_description: "/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 0.1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 0.1/n&cShift Click to Adjust by 1"
# Action Menu
editor_action_overview_menu_title: "Set Left/Right Click Actions"
editor_action_overview_menu_set_left_click: "&bSet Left Click Action"
editor_action_overview_menu_set_right_click: "&bSet Right Click Action"
# {1}: Action name
# {2=}: Value used if action allows additional arguments
editor_action_overview_menu_action_description: "/n&8Current:/n{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Change Action{2=/n&cRight Click to Change Argument}"
# {1=}: Value used if selecting a left click action
# {2=}: Value used if selecting a right click action
# {3}: Current page
# {4}: Total pages
editor_action_menu_title: "Select a {1=Left Click}{2=Right Click} Action {3}/{4}"
# {1}: Action description
editor_action_menu_misc_description: "&8» &e{1}"
# {1}: Action description
# {2=}: Command description
editor_action_menu_menu_description: "&8» &e{1}/n&8» &7{2=&cNot Set}"
# {1}: Action description
# {2=}: menu that will be opened
editor_action_menu_command_description: "&8» &e{1}/n&8» &7{2=&cNot Set}"
# {1}: Action description
# {2}: How long hat will stay equipped
editor_action_menu_demo_description: "&8» &e{1}/n&8» &7{2}"
# {1}: Action description
# {2=}: Value used if action is selected
# {3=}: Value used if action is not selected
editor_action_menu_action_description: "{1}{2=/n/n&3Selected}{3=/n/n&3Click to Select}"
# Slot Menu
editor_slot_menu_title: "Choose a new Slot"
editor_slot_menu_occupied: "&cOccupied"
editor_slot_menu_swap: "&bSwap Places"
editor_slot_menu_cancel: "&6Cancel"
editor_slot_menu_select: "&bSelect Slot"
# Duration Menu
editor_duration_menu_title: "Set Duration"
editor_duration_menu_set_duration: "&3Set Duration"
# {1}: Hat's demo duration
editor_duration_menu_description: "/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&cShift Click to Adjust by 30"
# Meta Menu
editor_meta_menu_title: "Meta Properties"
editor_meta_menu_set_name: "&bChange Display Name"
editor_meta_menu_set_label: "&bChange Label"
editor_meta_menu_set_permission: "&bChange Permission"
editor_meta_menu_set_description: "&bChange Description"
editor_meta_menu_set_permission_message: "&bChange Permission Message"
editor_meta_menu_set_permission_description: "&bChange Permission Description"
editor_meta_menu_set_equip_message: "&bChange Equip Message"
editor_meta_menu_set_tag: "&bChange Tags"
# {1}: Hat's display name
# {2=}: Value used if we can reset the hat's display name
editor_meta_menu_name_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» {1}/n/n&3Left Click to Change{2=/n&cShift Right Click to Reset}"
# {1=}: Hat's label
# {2=}: Value used if we can reset this hat's label
editor_meta_menu_label_description: "/n&8Labels allow you to use this hat/n&8in commands like: &7/h set <player> <label>/n/n&8Current:/n&8» &7{1=&cNot Set}/n/n&3Left Click to Change{2=/n&cShift Right Click to Clear}"
# {1}: Hat's description
# {2=}: Value used if we can clear this hat's description
editor_meta_menu_description_description: "/n&8Current:/n{1}/n&3Left Click to Change{2=/n&cShift Right Click to Clear}"
editor_meta_menu_empty_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &cNot Set/n/n&3Left Click to Change"
# {1}: Permission value
# {2}: Full permission usage
editor_meta_menu_permission_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &7{1}/n/n&8Usage:/n&8» &7{2}/n/n&3Click to Change"
# {1=}: Hat's equip message
# {2=}: Value used if we can reset this hat's equip message
editor_meta_menu_equip_description: "/n&8Show the player this message when/n&8they equip this hat instead of the/n&8global equip message/n/n&8Current:/n&8» &7{1=&cNot Set}/n/n&3Left Click to Change{2=/n&cShift Right Click to Clear}"
# {1=}: Hat's permission denied description
# {2=}: Value used if we can reset this hat's permission
editor_meta_menu_permission_denied_description: "/n&8Current:/n&8» &7{1=&cNot Set}/n/n&3Left Click to Change{2=/n&cShift Right Click to Clear}"
# Description Menu
editor_description_menu_title: "Edit Description"
editor_description_menu_add_line: "&bAdd a Line"
# {1}: Description line #
editor_desciprion_line_title: "&bLine #{1}"
editor_description_menu_preview: "&bPreview"
editor_description_menu_empty: "&cNo Description Set"
# {1=}: Current description line value
editor_description_menu_line_description: "/n&8» &r{1=&cEmpty}/n/n&3Left Click to Edit/n&3Shift Left Click to Insert Line/n&cShift Right Click to Delete"
# {1=}: Hat's preview description
# {2=}: Value used if description can be cleared
editor_description_menu_preview_description: "{1=&cEmpty}{2=/n&cShift Right Click to Clear}"
# Tag Overview Menu
editor_tag_overview_menu_title: "Edit Tags"
editor_tag_overview_menu_add_tag: "&bAdd a Tag"
# {1}: Tag's name
editor_tag_overview_menu_tag_title: "&b{1}"
editor_tag_overview_menu_tag_description: "&cShift Right Click to Delete"
editor_tag_overview_menu_info_title: "&bWhat are Tags?"
editor_tag_overview_menu_info: "&8Tags are experimental features/n&8that may, or may not stay/n&8depending on their popularity"
# Tag Menu
editor_tag_menu_title: "Select a Tag"
# {1}: Tag's name
editor_tag_menu_tag_title: "&b{1}"
# ItemStack menu
editor_itemstack_menu_title: "Add or Remove Items"
editor_itemstack_menu_add_item: "&bAdd an Item"
editor_itemstack_menu_set_duration: "&bSet Duration"
editor_itemstack_menu_toggle_gravity: "&bToggle Gravity"
editor_itemstack_menu_set_velocity: "&bSet Velocity"
# {1}: Itemstack particle duration
editor_itemstack_menu_duration_description: "/n&8Duration:/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&8Set how long items stay/n&8spawned in the world/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&cShift Click to Adjust by 10"
# {1=}: Value used if itemstack gravity is enabled
# {2=}: Value used if itemstack gravity is disabled
editor_itemstack_menu_gravity_description: "/n&8Gravity:/n&8» {1=&aEnabled}{2=&cDisabled}/n/n&3Click to Toggle"
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Itemstack particle velocity x, y, z
editor_itemstack_menu_velocity_description: "/n&8» X: &e{1}/n&8» Y: &e{2}/n&8» Z: &e{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Change/n&cShift Right Click to Clear"
# Velocity menu
editor_velocity_menu_title: "Set Velocity"
editor_velocity_menu_set_velocity_x: "&bSet X Velocity"
editor_velocity_menu_set_velocity_y: "&bSet Y Velocity"
editor_velocity_menu_set_velocity_z: "&bSet Z Velocity"
# Menu Selection
# {1}: Current page
# {2}: Total pages
editor_menu_selection_title: "Select a Menu {1}/{2}"
editor_menu_selection_create: "&bCreate a Menu"
editor_menu_selection_refresh: "&bRefresh"
editor_menu_selection_menu_prefix: "&bMenu: &e"
# {1}: Menu's title
editor_menu_selection_menu_description: "&8Title: {1}"
# Colour Menu
editor_colour_menu_title: "Select or Create a Colour"
editor_colour_menu_set_white: "&bWhite"
editor_colour_menu_set_red: "&bRed"
editor_colour_menu_set_lime: "&bLime"
editor_colour_menu_set_light_blue: "&bLight Blue"
editor_colour_menu_set_pink: "&bPink"
editor_colour_menu_set_gray: "&bGrey"
editor_colour_menu_set_orange: "&bOrange"
editor_colour_menu_set_green: "&bGreen"
editor_colour_menu_set_blue: "&bBlue"
editor_colour_menu_set_magenta: "&bMagenta"
editor_colour_menu_set_black: "&bBlack"
editor_colour_menu_set_yellow: "&bYellow"
editor_colour_menu_set_brown: "&bBrown"
editor_colour_menu_set_purple: "&bPurple"
editor_colour_menu_set_cyan: "&bCyan"
editor_colour_menu_set_red_value: "&bSet Red Value"
editor_colour_menu_set_green_value: "&bSet Green Value"
editor_colour_menu_set_blue_value: "&bSet Blue Value"
editor_colour_menu_set_random: "&bRandom Colours"
editor_colour_menu_set_size: "&bSet Size"
# {1}: Name of colour
# {2}, {3}, {4}: Colour's r, g, b
editor_colour_menu_preset_description: "&8Set this particles/n&8colour to {1}/n/n&8» R: &e{2}/n&8» G: &e{3}/n&8» B: &e{4}"
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Colour's r, g, b
editor_colour_menu_r_description: "/n&e» R: {1}/n&8» G: &7{2}/n&8» B: &7{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 10"
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Colour's r, g, b
editor_colour_menu_g_description: "/n&8» R: &7{1}/n&e» G: {2}/n&8» B: &7{3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 10"
# {1}, {2}, {3}: Colour's r, g, b
editor_colour_menu_b_description: "/n&8» R: &7{1}/n&8» G: &7{2}/n&e» B: {3}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 1/n&3Shift Click to Adjust by 10"
editor_colour_menu_random_suffix: "Random"
editor_colour_menu_random_description: "&8Give this particle random colours"
# {1}: Particle size
editor_colour_menu_size_description: "/n&8Set the size of these particles/n/n&8» &e{1}/n/n&3Left Click to Add 0.1/n&3Right Click to Subtract 0.1/n&cShift Click to Adjust by 0.01"
# Search Menu
# {1=}: Search query
editor_search_menu_title: "Results for ({1=...}&r)"
editor_search_menu_no_results: "&cNo Search Results"