- Flutter
- Firebase
- Real Time Database
- Firebase Auth
- Firebase API
- Firebase Storage
- Google Auth
- YOLOv5
- VOSK Voice Recognition Engine
- text-to-speech
- Developed a Cross Platform Recipe Recommendation App called Makeat using Flutter & Firebase.
- Designed a beautiful and effective UI for the users.
- Used food.com recipe data, converted over 50,000+ recipe data from CSV to JSON, and pushed it into Firebase Real-Time Database using Firebase API.
- Executed Firebase Auth and Google Auth options for users to register in-app.
- Executed an infinite scroll to display recipes on the home page.
- Added Advanced search feature wherein user can search a recipe by name and filter it with options such as calories and time.
- Coded options to save and like recipes and created a display page for the same.
- Engineered voice recognition and text-to-speech functionalities so as to read recipes to the user and the user can control it by commanding to speak next and previous steps, repeat a step, etc.
- Implemented user profile and stored user profile images on firebase storage, provided a vegan mode, to view only vegan recipes on the app, and added a feature to recommend recipes in a given range of calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, etc.
- Trained YOLOv5 Neural Networks on a dataset of over 1000+ images to detect 40 categories of raw ingredients (20 fruits and 20 vegetables) in real time and recommend recipes accordingly.
- Built-in a Hybrid Recipe Recommendation Model based on data collected from the users.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.