This project focuses on training a machine learning model to classify voices as male or female based on their acoustic properties. The dataset used for training consists of 36,168 voice samples collected from a Yandex contest. The best-performing model achieves an accuracy of 98% during cross-validation.
You can download the raw dataset, which includes .wav
files and a corresponding .csv
file with labels, from the following link: Raw Dataset.
Alternatively, a pre-processed version of the dataset, containing 3.5k rows (due to hardware limitations), is available here: Pre-processed Dataset.
The following acoustic properties are measured for each voice sample:
- meanfreq: Mean frequency (in kHz)
- sd: Standard deviation of frequency
- median: Median frequency (in kHz)
- Q25: First quantile (in kHz)
- Q75: Third quantile (in kHz)
- IQR: Interquantile range (in kHz)
- skew: Skewness
- kurt: Kurtosis
- sp.ent: Spectral entropy
- sfm: Spectral flatness
- mode: Mode frequency
- centroid: Frequency centroid
- peakf: Peak frequency (frequency with highest energy)
- meanfun: Average fundamental frequency measured across the acoustic signal
- minfun: Minimum fundamental frequency measured across the acoustic signal
- maxfun: Maximum fundamental frequency measured across the acoustic signal
- meandom: Average dominant frequency measured across the acoustic signal
- mindom: Minimum dominant frequency measured across the acoustic signal
- maxdom: Maximum dominant frequency measured across the acoustic signal
- dfrange: Range of dominant frequency measured across the acoustic signal
- modindx: Modulation index, calculated as the accumulated absolute difference between adjacent measurements of fundamental frequencies divided by the frequency range
The project utilizes the following libraries and tools:
- Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis
- NumPy: For numerical operations
- Seaborn and Matplotlib: For data visualization
- Scikit-learn: For machine learning algorithms and model evaluation
- XGBoost: For gradient boosting algorithms
- Librosa: For audio processing and feature extraction
- Concurrent: For parallel processing
- Logging: For logging errors and warnings
- Create a Virtual Environment:
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt