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Dropwizard Scala

Scala support for Dropwizard.

This project is no longer actively maintained. If you wish to continue using it, you're welcome to fork it and continue using in-line with the Apache 2.0 Licensing terms.


Just add a dependency to dropwizard-scala-core and dropwizard-scala-jdbi (optional) to your project:


libraryDependencies += "com.datasift.dropwizard.scala" %% "dropwizard-scala-core" % "1.0.0-1"


Include the dropwizard-scala-core artifact in your POM:


It's good practice to keep your Scala version as a global property that you can use elsewhere to ensure coherence in your POM:




  • A base ScalaApplication trait for applications to be defined as a singleton object:
import io.dropwizard.Configuration
import com.datasift.dropwizard.scala.ScalaApplication

class MyConfiguration extends Configuration {
  @NotEmpty val greeting: String = "Hello, %s!"
  @NotNull val greeters: List[String] = Nil

object MyApplication extends ScalaApplication[MyConfiguration] {
  def init(bootstrap: Bootstrap[MyConfiguration]) {

  def run(conf: MyConfiguration, env: Environment) {


When you build an application like this, the ScalaBundle is automatically added, providing everything else described here.

  • Jackson support for Scala collections, Option and case classes, enabling (de)serialization of Scala collections/case classes in configurations and within Jersey request/response entities.

  • log4s is provided automatically, via a transitive dependency. To use it, simply import org.log4s._. See for more details.


  • A more idiomatic API for metrics is provided by com.datasift.dropwizard.scala.metrics._.
import com.codahale.metrics._
import com.datasift.dropwizard.scala.metrics._

class MyApplication extends ScalaApplication[MyConfiguration] {
  def run (conf: MyConfiguration, env: Environment) {
    env.metrics.gauge("things.current_time") {
    env.metrics.timer("things.some_timer") {
      // do something and time the execution


  • Support for Option in resource method parameters and for request/response entities.

  • Support for Either[L, R] in resource method parameters, where L and R are both types Jersey supports for parameters. By convention, it will attempt to decode the parameter first in to the right-side as an R, and if that fails, in to the left-side as an L.

  • Support for Seq[A], List[A], Vector[A], IndexedSeq[A] and Set[A] in resource method parameters, where A is any non-collection type that Jersey supports for parameters. This is the same limitation imposed on Java collections.

  • Support for BigInt and BigDecimal in resource method parameters and request/response entities.

  • Support for Scala's native Boolean, Int and Long types in resource method parameters via the BooleanParam, IntParam and LongParam wrapper types.


  • Scala collections and Option as the return type for a result set (i.e. multiple rows of results).

    Note: when returning a single row as an Option, you must use the @SingleValueResult annotation:

    @SqlQuery("select i from tbl limit 1")
    def headOption: Option[Int]
  • Support for the BigDecimal and Option types as parameters and result column types.

  • Support for returning a row as a case class or tuple, with the following constraints:

    • selected columns must match up with constructor paramaters positionally.
    • only the first defined public constructor will be used if multiple constructors are defined.
    • paramater types must be directly mappable from their SQL types, without the use of a mapper. The only exceptions to this rule are Option and scala.BigDecimal, which are natively supported.
  • case classes and tuples as parameters using the BindProduct annotation:

    @SqlUpdate("insert into tbl (a, b, c, d) values (:x.a, :x.b, :y._1, :y._2)")
    def insert(@BindProduct("x") x: Thing, @BindProduct("y") y: (Int, String))

    Note: BindProduct will bind to any no-args method or field (prioritizing no-arg methods).

  • A more idiomatic JDBI API:

    import com.datasift.dropwizard.scala.jdbi._
    val db = JDBI(dataSource)
    val dao = db.onDemand[MyDAO]
    val result: Int = db.inTransaction {
      handle: Handle => handle.attach[MyDAO].myQuery(123)

To enable Scala integration for JDBI, you will need to add an extra dependency:


libraryDependencies += "com.datasift.dropwizard.scala" %% "dropwizard-scala-jdbi" % "1.0.0-1"




  • Support for all JSR-303 and Hibernate Validator constraints on Scala types. In particular, support is added for @NotEmpty and @Size on Scala collections. All other constraint annotations work on Scala types out of the box.

  • Validation of Scala case class properties using JSR-303 and Hibernate Validator constraints. To validate a case class, you will need to use the wrapper constraints defined in com.datasift.dropwizard.scala.validation.constraints:

import com.datasift.dropwizard.scala.validation.constraints._

class MyConfiguration extends Configuration {
  @NotEmpty val names: List[String] = Nil
  @Min(0) val age: Int = 20


In order to cascade validation using @Valid on collection types, Hibernate requires that the collection provide a Java Iterator. Since Scala collections don't provide this, they cannot cascade validation.

In the following example, only MyConfiguration is validated. Person values held in the people collection are not validated, though the size of people is.

case class MyConfiguration(@Valid @NotEmpty people: List[Person]) 
  extends Configuration

case class Person(@NotEmpty name: String, @Min(0) age: Int)


This module provides some utilities for aiding testing with ScalaTest. Note: this module is by far the least mature, and the API of its components is subject to change. Comments, ideas and suggestions welcome.

See core/src/test/**/ScalaApplicationSpecIT for examples of all of these components in action.

  • BeforeAndAfterMulti - a utility trait that allows multiple functions to be registered to run before and after tests, executing the after functions in the reverse order to their associated before functions. This behaves similarly to Dropwizard's lifecycle management, except it's managing the lifecycle of test dependencies.

    All of the *Test utilities below require that your test class extend this trait.

  • ApplicationTest - runs tests in the context of a running Dropwizard Application:

    val app =
      ApplicationTest(this, configFilePath) {

    The returned object contains the following utility methods to work with the application:

    • configuration: Try[C] - the application's configuration.
    • application: Try[A] - the application object itself.
    • environment: Try[Environment] - the appliction's Environment.
    • server: Try[Server] - the application's Jetty Server.
    • newClient(name: String): Try[Client] - a helper to construct a Jersey Client that connects to the application.
  • MySQLTest - runs tests in the context of a running MySQL server:

    val mysql = MySQLTest(this, dataSourceFactory.getUrl) { MetricRegistry, "test")

    The returned object contains the following utility methods to work with the MySQL server:

    • dataSource: Try[ManagedDataSource] - the DataSource used to create the database instance.
    • baseDir: Try[File] - the base directory for the MySQL server's data.

    Note: to use this object, you will need to add a dependency on mysql:mysql-connector-mxj:5.0.12.

  • LiquibaseTest - runs tests in the context of a database migration:

    val migrations = LiquibaseTest(
      this, LiquibaseTest.Config(migrationsFilePath)) { MetricRegistry, "migrations")

    The returned object contains the following utility methods to work with the Liquibase context:

    • dataSource: Try[ManagedDataSource] - the DataSource used to connect to the database instance.
    • liquibase: Try[CloseableLiquibase] - the Liquibase context that ran the migrations.


Scala language integration for Dropwizard







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