Underlying code and input files for running the Matlab(C) versions of Water Supply Evaluation Tool (MRIO-LCA model for water supply sustainability assessment)
The project was supported by The Water Research Foundation (Reuse-14-03). An extensive Final Project Report can be accessed at: https://www.werf.org/a/ka/Search/ResearchProfile.aspx?ReportId=Reuse-14-03. A compiled Excel(R) version along with instructions on how to install and run it and further supplementary input files are available through: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6HTj-G8iJEHXzNaTHNEWEhLdG8
For more information on the compiled Excel Tool or the Final Project Report please contact Justin Mattingly (jmattingly@waterrf.org) at the Water Research Foundation.
Please use the following citation when referencing this work:
Hadjikakou, M., Stanford, B.D., Wiedmann, T., Rowley, H.V., Kobayashi, Y., Ishii, S., Gaitan, J.P.A., Johns, G., Lundie, S., Khan, S.J. (2019) A flexible framework for assessing the sustainability of alternative water supply options. Science of the Total Environment. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004896971931280X?via%3Dihub