Hashnode is the easiest way to start a developer blog on your personal domain.
This project represents a Zapier integration which can take user input and publish it as a story, on the Hashnode platform.
The following input fields are required:
- title: The story's title
- contentMarkdown: Story content in Markdown syntax
And the following are optional:
- coverImageURL: a URL representing the story's main image
- slug: custom story URL slug
- canonicalURL: canonical URL to the original article
- publicationId: if specified, publish into the specified publication
- hideFromHashnodeFeed: do not display this story in the user's Hashnode feed
git clone git@github.com:MihaiBojin/zapier-integration-create-hashnode-story.git
cd zapier-integration-create-hashnode-story
npm install
Create a file .env
HASHNODE_PAT=<obtain from https://hashnode.com/settings/developer>
ZAPIER_DEPLOY_KEY=<obtain from https://developer.zapier.com/partner-settings/deploy-keys>
To obtain your publication id:
- Go to https://hashnode.com/
- Click on your profile
- Select "Blog Dashboard"
- The publication's id will be in the URL, e.g.:
zapier test
zapier push
The extension is now ready to use in your Zapier account.
**I am not personaly or professionally affiliated with Hashnode or Zapier.
This work represents hobby code I use to cross-post articles from my personal site onto the Hashnode platform.
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind!
This code is licensed under the MIT License. Read the notice for additional details.