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The aim of this Julia package is to be the fastest general purpose quadrature package in Julia. It supports the canonical interval, and semi-infinite and infinite domains in arithmetic up to and including BigFloat and provides support for maximizing convergence rates when complex singularities are present near the contour of integration. Since the package can handle integrable algebraic and logarithmic endpoint singularities, and since it allows the user to consider other domains by declaring a new instance of the type Domain, the package is general purpose.

The primary function of this module computes the nodes and weights of the trapezoidal rule after a variable transformation induces double exponential endpoint decay. In addition, the variable transformations maximize the convergence rate despite complex singularities near the solution interval.

The secondary function of this module computes the parameters of the conformal map h(t) in Eq. (3.14) of [1]. This module requires the use of the Julia package Ipopt for solving the nonlinear program.

using SincFun, DEQuadrature

Example 4.1 from [1]

Suppose we are interested in calculating the integral of:

f = x-> exp(1/abs2(x-z[1]))/abs2(x-z[2])

on the interval [-1,1] with the singularities:

z = [complex(-0.5,1.0);complex(0.5,0.5)]

as well as a square root singularity at the left endpoint and a logarithmic singularity at the right endpoint. We use the package function DEMapValues to calculate the optimized map and the function DENodesAndWeights to calculate nodes and weights. Looping over a geometrically increasing order, we can approximate the integral very accurately:

h = DEMapValues(z;domain=Finite(-1.0,1.0,-0.5,0.0,0.0,1.0))
for i = 1:6
	x,w = DENodesAndWeights(h,2^i;b2factor=0.5,domain=Finite(-1.0,1.0,-0.5,0.0,0.0,1.0))
	val = dot(f.(x),w)
	err = abs(val-parse(Float64,DEQuadrature.example4p1))
	println(@sprintf("Order: %2i Value: %19.16e Relative error: %6.2e",i,val,err))

Example 4.2 from [1]

The package has equal support for BigFloats, making high precision calculations a breeze! Suppose we are interested in calculating the integral of:

f = x-> exp(10/abs2(x-z[1]))*cos(10/abs2(x-z[2]))/abs2(x-z[3])/abs(x-z[4])

on the real line with the singularities:

z = [complex(big(-2.0),1.0);complex(-1.0,.5);complex(1.0,0.25);complex(2.0,1.0)]

We start by setting the digits we desire:


Then, we use the package function DEMapValues to calculate the optimized map and the function DENodesAndWeights to calculate nodes and weights. Looping over a geometrically increasing order, we can approximate the integral very accurately:

h = DEMapValues(z;domain=Infinite1(BigFloat))
for i = 1:10
	x,w = DENodesAndWeights(h,2^i;domain=Infinite1(BigFloat))
	val = dot(f.(x),w)
	err = abs(val-parse(BigFloat,DEQuadrature.example4p2))
	println(@sprintf("Order: %2i Value: %19.16e Relative error: %6.2e",i,val,err))

Example 4.4 from [1]

Suppose we are interested in calculating the integral of:

f = x-> x/abs(x-z[1])/abs2(x-z[2])/abs2(x-z[3])

on [0,∞) with the singularities:

z = [complex(big(1.0),1.0);complex(2.,.5);complex(3,1//3)]

We use the package functions sincpade and polyroots to compute the approximate locations of the singularities adaptively. Then, we use the package function DENodesAndWeights to calculate the optimized nodes and weights. Looping over a geometrically increasing order, we can approximate the integral very accurately:

x = zeros(BigFloat,5);
for i = 1:4
	x,w = DENodesAndWeights(Complex{BigFloat}[],2^i;domain=SemiInfinite2(BigFloat))
	val = dot(f.(x),w)
	err = abs(val-parse(BigFloat,DEQuadrature.example4p4))
	println(@sprintf("Order: %2i Value: %19.16e Relative error: %6.2e",i,val,err))
for i = 5:8
	(p,q) = sincpade(f.(x),x,div(length(x)-1,2),i-2,i+2)
	rootvec = polyroots(q)
	x,w = DENodesAndWeights(convert(Vector{Complex{BigFloat}},rootvec[end-4:2:end]),2^i;domain=SemiInfinite2(BigFloat),Hint=25)
	val = dot(f.(x),w)
	err = abs(val-parse(BigFloat,DEQuadrature.example4p4))
	println(@sprintf("Order: %2i Value: %19.16e Relative error: %6.2e",i,val,err))


  1. R. M. Slevinsky and S. Olver. On the use of conformal maps for the acceleration of convergence of the trapezoidal rule and Sinc numerical methods, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 37:A676--A700, 2015. An earlier version appears here: arXiv:1406.3320.


Julia package for high-precision quadrature







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