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A Next.js project containing an MDX starter blog kit, with tags and categories.

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Next Blog Starter Kit

This repo is an easy to use starting point for your blogs using Next.js, Tailwind CSS and MDX to create a blog with tags and categories.

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Key Features:

  1. Static MDX Development: Using static MDX files makes it easy to start your blog without connecting to third party API's, CDN's or a database. This approach is ideal for simple applications.
  2. Rich Metadata with Front Matter: Use the front matter in your MDX files to store essential post metadata. From tags and categories to author information and descriptions, it can be easily parsed using the gray-matter package.
  3. Stylish Typography with Tailwind CSS: Apply some default styling to your blog using the Tailwind CSS Typography plugin, making it look like great instantly.
  4. Code Highlighting: Use the Rehype Highlight plugin to add syntax highlighting to your code snippets in your desired style.
  5. SEO Optimized: Implement some Next.js SEO best practices to make your blog more discoverable.

Combining these elements creates a great starting point for your blog that's easy to customize and reuse in all your projects.

How to use

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Or use the VSCode debugger to run the development server, configured in the .vscode/launch.json file.

How to integrate with your own project

  1. Copy the entire app/blog folder to your project
  2. Install all packeges
       npm install gray-matter @next/mdx @mdx-js/loader @mdx-js/react @types/mdx next-mdx-remote rehype-highlight remark-gfm
       npm install -D @tailwindcss/typography
  3. Copy the mdx-components.tsx file to the root of your project (same level as the app folder)
  4. Edit the next.config.js file to look like this:
       import createMDX from "@next/mdx";
       /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
       const nextConfig = {
         pageExtensions: ["js", "jsx", "md", "mdx", "ts", "tsx"],
       const withMDX = createMDX({
         // Add markdown plugins here, as desired
       // Merge MDX config with Next.js config
       export default withMDX(nextConfig);
  5. Add the Tailwind CSS Typography plugin to your tailwind.config.js file
       /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
       module.exports = {
         theme: {
           // ...
         plugins: [
           // ...
  6. Copy the public/blog folder to your project. This is where all the images for your blog posts will be stored.
  7. Ready to go!

Important: Make sure the slug in the MDX file is the same as the file name!