Head over to https://gobuffalo.io/ to view the full documentation.
Start your postgres Docker container:
docker-compose up
Buffalo uses the "database.yml" file to know how to connect to your database. Once you've edited this file and started your database, now Buffalo can create the databases in that file for you:
buffalo pop create -a
Buffalo ships with a command that will watch your application and automatically rebuild the Go binary and any assets for you. To do that run the "buffalo dev" command:
buffalo dev
If you point your browser to you should see a "Welcome to Buffalo!" page.
Congratulations! You now have your Buffalo application up and running.
The following steps will show some examples of how Buffalo makes your life easier. The only requirement is that you first install the Soda CLI.
This will generate the model files and the migrations to create the corresponding database tables.
Note: Currently generating associations (aka relationships) through the CLI is not supported. So you will have to generate the models and edit the resulting model and migration files manually. This is something on the Buffalo devs' radar.
soda generate model user title:string first_name:string last_name:string bio:text
A "Resource" is a Buffalo's concept of Auto-CRUD. It speeds up development by auto-defining handlers and routes for CRUD operations.
buffalo g resource books --use-model book --skip-templates