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How to start the game from the terminal

Makkkkus edited this page Oct 24, 2021 · 2 revisions

Starting the game from the terminal/console/bash/command prompt is pretty easy. There are many reasons why you should start the game through the terminal, the most prominent being able to debug and look at the log.

How to do it

To open the game you need to open the command line program on your system. It is called terminal on many Linux distributions and command prompt on Windows. After that, put cd [folder of downloaded jar] into the window and press enter. "folder of downloaded jar" is the folder of where you downloaded your jar file of Minicraft. This is usually just downloads in which case it would be, cd Downloads or C:\Users\username\Downloads on Windows.

When you are inside the folder where the Minicraft jar is located, write ls and press enter. This lists all the files in the folder you are in, and if you did the last step correctly you should see file called minicraft_plus-x.x.x.jar, where x is replaced with a number. If you see the file, write this one last command java -jar minicraft_plus-x.x.x.jar. Add --debug to the end if you want a more detailed error log.