Purpose of this repo is to demo an example of Red Hat Openshift API for Data Protection/OADP(Velero) with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management(ACM) running on OpenShift.S3 Storage for this example is provided by Red Hat Openshift Data Foundation via the Multi Cloud Gatway Component(NooBaa). Repo will provide some examples of simple backup scenarios.
- OpenShift Cluster - Version>=4.9
- oc client >= 4.9
- Red Hat ACM Policy Generator Kustomize Plugin
- Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management - ACM - Version>=2.5
- User running commands must have subscription-admin privilege.
- Environment "must" have the use of a default dynamic storage classi.e (storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: true)
- For Backup Example 2 the default storage class "must" be CSI compliant.
Create a namespace to hold our ACM policies.
oc new-project global-policies
Add Subscription Admin role to the user running our ACM policies.
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user open-cluster-management:subscription-admin $(oc whoami)
Create list of PlacementRules we want ACM to use and can be leveraged by other policies.
oc apply -k ./placementrules/ -n global-policies
Install the OADP Operator via an ACM Policy.
kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./oadp-operator/ | oc create -f -
Install the ODF Operator via an ACM Policy.Please see prerequisites on default storageclass above before running.
kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./noobaa-operator/ | oc create -f -
Create the NooBaa Object via an ACM Policy.Might take a bit before the noobaa object is fully ready.Confirm NooBaa object is ready and oadp-bucket claim is bound.
kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./noobaa-object/ | oc create -f -
Create the OADP Data Protection Application with Noobaa Storage via an ACM Policy.
kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./oadp-backup | oc create -f -
Example shows the backup and restore of a single deployment. Backup Resource uses labels to select deployment to backed up.
Create a simple deployment
oc create -f ./backup-sample1/deployment.yaml
Create a Backup for that deployment
oc create -f ./backup-sample1/backup.yaml
Confirm the backup status is 'Completed' before proceeding
oc get backup backup-sample1 -n openshift-adp -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'
Delete the deployment
oc delete -f ./backup-sample1/deployment.yaml
Confirm the deployment is completly deleted.
oc get deployment backup-sample1 -n default
Create the restore
oc create -f ./backup-sample1/restore.yaml
Confirm the deployment is restored.
oc get deployment backup-sample1 -n default
Example shows the backup and restore of a deployment and it's data from a pvc via the use of restic and OADP data mover feature.Example will simulate state by writing a date to a pvc and restoring the volume with the file also having the new date of when volume was restored.
Install the Volsync Operator which is required for restic use.
kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./volsync-operator | oc create -f -
Patch the OADP DataProtectionApplication to allow restic.
kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins ./backup-sample2 | oc create -f -
Confirm the volsync operator and DataProtectionApplication are available.
Give RBAC permissions to serviceaccount to allow writing to pod volume.
oc create -f ./backup-sample2/rbac.yaml
Create PVC for deployment usage.Please see prerequisites on default storageclass above before running.
oc create -f ./backup-sample2/pvc.yaml
Create deployment for backup example.
oc create -f ./backup-sample2/deployment.yaml
Confirm deployment wrote date to volume file before continuing.
oc exec deployment/backup-sample2 -n default -c container -- cat /root/backup-sample2/backup
Create backup for deployment and data.
oc create -f ./backup-sample2/backup.yaml
Confirm the backup status is 'Completed' before proceeding
oc get backup backup-sample2 -n openshift-adp -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'
Delete Deployment to test restore.
oc delete -f ./backup-sample2/deployment.yaml
Delete PVC to test restore.
oc delete -f ./backup-sample2/pvc.yaml
Confirm the deployment is completly deleted.
oc get deployment backup-sample2 -n default
Confirm the PVC is completly deleted.
oc get deployment pvc -n default
Restore data and Manifests.
oc create -f ./backup-sample2/restore.yaml
Confirm the restore status is 'Completed' before proceeding
oc get restore backup-sample2-restore -n openshift-adp -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'
Confirm restore deployment now has the date before and after the restore.
oc exec deployment/backup-sample2 -n default -c container -- cat /root/backup-sample2/backup