Lightweight list view with pull-to-refresh and paging.
- Initial data request.
- Paging data request.
- Error handling(with retry) for all request types.
- Paging type agnostic. Works with offset-limit, last item and others paging types.
- Provide your state views:
1.1 Views for fullscreen loading/error/emtpty data states:
1.2 Views(cells) for next page loading/error/disabled states:
Notes: All of these cell views must know their height and be the same height in order to disable list glitching on state changes.
- Layout
with state views:
2.1 Layout paging list without sections:
@State private var pagingState: PagingListState = .items
state: $pagingState,
items: myItems
) { item in
} fullscreenEmptyView: {
} fullscreenLoadingView: {
} fullscreenErrorView: { error in
FullscreenErrorStateView(error: error)
} pagingDisabledView: {
} pagingLoadingView: {
} pagingErrorView: { error in
PagingErrorStateView(error: error)
} onPageRequest: { isFirst in
// First loading items and loading paging state.
requestItems(isFirst: isFirst)
} onRefreshRequest: { isFirst in
// Refreshing content.
await refreshItems(isFirst: isFirst)
2.2 Layout paging list with sections:
state: $pagingState,
items: myItems
) { item in
Section(content: {
ForEach(item.items) { item in
}, header: {
RunningTitleView(title: item.title)
}, footer: {
RunningTitleView(title: "Footer")
} fullscreenEmptyView: {
} fullscreenLoadingView: {
} fullscreenErrorView: { error in
FullscreenErrorStateView(error: error)
} pagingDisabledView: {
} pagingLoadingView: {
} pagingErrorView: { error in
PagingErrorStateView(error: error)
} onPageRequest: { isFirst in
// First loading items and loading paging state.
requestItems(isFirst: isFirst)
} onRefreshRequest: { isFirst in
// Refreshing content.
await refreshItems(isFirst: isFirst)
2.3 Modifiers for section customization:
// modifier to setup padding for section
// footer without padding
// sheet style modifier .grouped to customize non-sticky header and footer
// change to .plain for sticky header
// change to .inset for sticky header and footer
// modifier to hide the system background of the scroll view list
- Provde items request handler:
@State private var items = [Int]()
@State private var loadedPagesCount = 0
// Sync method for first loading and pagination loading content.
private func requestItems(isFirst: Bool) {
Task {
await requestItems(isFirst: isFirst)
// Async method for loading and refreshing content.
private func refreshItems() async {
await requestItems(isFirst: true)
// Async method for loading and refreshing content.
private func refreshItems() async {
pagingState = .refresh
loadedPagesCount = 0
do {
let newItems = try await repository.getItems(
limit: Constants.requestLimit,
offset: loadedPagesCount * Constants.requestLimit
items = newItems
// Increment loaded pages counter after the page is loaded.
loadedPagesCount += 1
// Set the list paging state to display the items or disable pagination if there are no items remaining.
pagingState = newItems.count < Constants.requestLimit ? .disabled : .items
} catch let error {
// Сlearing items for correct operation of the state loader when call pull to refresh.
items = []
// Display a full screen error in case of the first section loading error.
pagingState = .fullscreenError(error)
// Async method for loading content.
private func requestItems(isFirst: Bool) async {
if isFirst {
// Reset loaded pages counter when loading the first page.
pagingState = .fullscreenLoading
loadedPagesCount = 0
} else {
// Loading pagination pages.
pagingState = .pagingLoading
do {
let newItems = try await repository.getItems(
limit: Constants.requestLimit,
offset: loadedPagesCount * Constants.requestLimit
if isFirst {
// Rewrite all items after the first page is loaded.
items = newItems
} else {
// Add new items after the every next page is loaded.
items += newItems
// Increment loaded pages counter after the page is loaded.
loadedPagesCount += 1
// Set the list paging state to display the items or disable pagination if there are no items remaining.
pagingState = newItems.count < Constants.requestLimit ? .disabled : .items
} catch let error {
if isFirst {
// Display a full screen error in case of the first page loading error.
pagingState = .fullscreenError(error)
} else {
// Display a paging error in case of the next page loading error.
pagingState = .pagingError(error)
- It's necessary to turn off the pagination if there are no items remaining.
- In case of the next page loading error it's necessary to tap on the "Retry" button. The request will not be automatically reissued when scrolling.
PagindList doesn't use any external dependencies.
Under the hood SwiftUI.List
is used, so any list modificators are available for both PagingList
iteself and item cell view.
- Swift 5.0
- iOS 15.0
dependencies: [
url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0")
PagingList is distributed under the MIT License.