Just like any other laravel project, change the name of .env.example file to .env and change your DB and server data, after that open phpmyadmin and then import DB file you will find it in folder in the root project named "SQL_FILE". then run command.
php artisan key:generate
to generate the app_key to your app
And then run
php artisan serve
- Login and registration sys with Jobseeker or Company options.
- full functional Profile page.
- Internal pages for users based on option (Company-Jobseeker).
- Some of those internal pages are (edit-update images-saved jobs).
- Logout functionality.
- In show single job page there quit bit of work, users can save the job, apply for it and can view number of sent applications on this same job and share it on social media.
- Fully dynamic search functionality.
- Users can also browse jobs based on City, Category and Job title.
- Multi Language option (English-Arabic).
- Of course can post jobs if you are a company.
- Popular Searches and tags for the most searched jobs.
- The first page is about some stats about jobs and applications
- You can add unlimited number of admins
- You can add unlimited number of categories
- You can see and approve of posted job
to be continued...