GUI Rat is intended solely for educational and research purposes. The author assumes no responsibility for any misuse or illegal/unauthorized application of this code. This project serves as a foundational reference for multiclient Remote Access Trojan (RAT) programming..
This boilerplate GUI Remote Access Tool (RAT) is designed to support multiple clients and offers a range of robust features. Built using socket programming, it facilitates seamless connections and efficient control over client interactions.
- Installation into Registery for starting at startup
- Reverse Shell Access
- Screenview
- Keylogger
To install and run the program please follow these instructions:
# Install pip requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Compile client.pyw into exe
pyinstaller --onfile client.pyw
# After initial compilation recompile with the exe for installing into system
pyinstaller --onefile --add-data "client.exe;." .\client.pyw
Now the program is ready to be ran.
# On Server
# On Client
Simply right click on the target in the target list and click "Install to System"
To configure the HOST and PORT of the program
# On Server
Click on Config in the menu bar
# On Client
Right click the tray icon and click Change ip and port