This is project is implemented for ISNA news agency dataset in four phases:
- Tokenizer and normalizer functions are implemented for Persian texts and one-word query responding, which is not ranked retrieval.
- Efficient query responding and ranked retrieval by using champions list and heapsort.
- K-means and KNN are used to speed up query responding.
- Boolean Retrieval and Spell Correction system implemented using ElasticSearch.
- Implement an inverted index for one-word queries
- Efficient query responding by heapsort and champion list
- Speed up query responding by K-means clustering and KNN
- Boolean Retrieval and Spell Correction using ElasticSearch
The most important steps implemented in this phase:
- Persian Tokenizer
- Persian Normalization functions:
- remove_punctuation_marks()
- remove_postfix()
- remove_prefix()
- verb_steaming()
- char_digit_unification()
- morakab_unification()
- remove_arabic_notations()
- Find and remove stop-words
- Inverted index by BOW (bag of word) representation for docs
- One word query responding (It's not a Ranked Retrieval system)
In this phase, we improve IR system accuracy and speed with famous IR techniques.
The most important steps implemented in this phase:
- tf-idf Vector representation for docs
- Similarity calculation (cosine-sim)
- Index elimination
- Champion list (tf base)
- K-top extraction by max-heap
- Pharase query responding (Ranked Retrieval system)
In this phase, we use a larger dataset to deal with time and memory limitations.
To have a Ranked Retrieval System like the second phase for query responding ittakes a long time, for decreasing online computing we have to use clustering techniques. we chose k-means and after several experiments, we choose k = 100 and repeat clustering and updating centroid for 5 iterations.
In this section we implement a categorized search engine with 5 categories
- "culture"
- "economy"
- "sports"
- "politics"
- "health"
we use KNN for labeling docs and we check k = 3, 5, and 7 and get the best result by 5 for search in this search engine, you have to enter your query like this.
cat:<cat> <query>
ex: cat:sport قهرمانی پرسپولیس
In this phase, we work by ElasticSearch
to deal with larger dataset. This phase can be divided in 2 parts.
- Boolean Retrieval
- Spell Correction
At first, an inverted index was created by Bulk API
, which is more than 30 times faster than For loop iteration. The query structure is implemented in a way that the user can search for a phrase that includes several words or imply some operations like and (&), or (||), and not (!) to make more accurate queries.
query= {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"content": {
"query": "", # add query word
"query":"", # add query word
"must_not": [
"match": {
"content": {
"query": "", # add query word
For more details, you can Match Query and Match Phrase Query.
I implemented a spelling correction system with Elasticsearch. There are three steps and in each of which we add a feature and make an improvement. For the implementations, I used Python Elasticsearch Client.
- Creating index of trigrams and bigrams
- Index construction with inverted tokens
- Synonymous word checking
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Mohammad Javad Ardestani:
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