MoboGIS - The Editable GIS Map Viewer -- is an open source responsive mapping framework Application built on the the Esri JavaScript API, ArcGIS Server, Calcite Maps, ArcGIS Online, Dojo Toolkit and more.
One of the strengths of using Calcite Maps is the responsive design provided by the Bootstrap framework.
This repo combines MoboGIS with Esri's Calcite Maps. Calcite Maps is "A theme for Bootstrap for designing, styling and creating modern map apps." The Esri repository provides documentation on the Calcite Maps CSS and JavaScript files.
There are very few changes needed to use MoboGIS. The majority of the customizations are within the HTML page and webconfig.js file.
Functions Included inside the framework:
Find Places
Base-maps Gallery
Layer Control
Draw & feature spatial editing
Coordinate Search
Locate Button (Geolocation)
Measurement Widget capabilities.
'Print' widget shown in the picture below.
This JavaScript web app can be easily editable or used as a Base. It also demonstrates best practices for modular design and OOP via classes in JS using dojo's great dojotoolkit API.