An API to implement referrals to users based on their email address.
Python 3.7.0 or higher
OS - Windows
Clone the repository
Install 'virtualenv' to create a virtual environment for our API
pip install virtualenv
Setup the virtual environment
virtualenv sample_name_for_virtual_env
Activate the virtual environment
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up the database (first change to the ReferralAPI directory)
python makemigrations
python migrate
Create a superuser
python createsuperuser
Run the server (on localhost:8000)
python runserver
End point - api/referral_code?user_id=
Query parameter(s) - user_id
Methods allowed - GET
Returns a unique 6 digit referral code for the user passed in the query parameter.
End point - api/referral?referral_code=&referred_email=
Query parameter(s) - referral_code, referred_email
Methods allowed - POST, DELETE
Creates/Deletes a referral for the provided referral_code (from the referrer)
and the referred_email (email of the recipient of the reference) after performing some basic checks.
End point - api/conversion?referral_code=&email=
Query parameter(s) - referral_code, email
Body (Request) - username (content-type : JSON)
Methods allowed - POST
Converts the reference into an active user of the application.