This script is used to solve the challenges of the RootMe platform.
This project is done to practice automation and to learn more about some tools, to be able to extend it with more real situations. Do not use it on challenges you didn't solve yourself.
You need to install jq in order to parse JSON files.
Also, you for some challenges you need to install Nuclei that needs Golang
- Connect to the rootme website and get the challenge number (as in the url)
- Run
./ --all
to solve all the challenges - Or run
./ <challenge_number>
to solve only one challenge
You can specify tools that you don't want to use, ... Everything is detailled if you run ./ --help
From documentation, adding small features or adding new solutions, there are a lot of things to do. You can find some in issues.
- Fork the project
- Create a branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request
Feel free to contribute to this project by adding new templates, improving existing ones, or adding explainations. For any questions or tips, feel free to contact me on Twitter @TomitoMoinsDeux.