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Client Meeting #2 Notes

Jason Sipula edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 4 revisions

Priorities List:

  • Store attendance data (entered on a monthly basis)

  • Pull up attendance data by calendar year and fiscal year

  • create charts & graphs for state-wide and park specific numbers

  • compare and contrast specific parks with each other

  • capability to take notes for particular months/days and query out notes (show all notes)

  • display raw data for a given month, export to PDF,CSV, etc...

  • "user friendly"

  • capability to print out data for given time frames

  • import data from field

    • field agents enter data on remote station, admin account reviews and approves then merges into database
  • possibly try to find a way to store or import old data (?)

General Notes:

  • All data currently is on a shared network drive

  • All current spreadsheets are password protected -- going to be difficult to automate some sort of import.

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