This image isn't perfect as it has it's config & commands baked in. But it works for me ever since my broadlink device has been stable (static ip and no more new codes to be added).
Python 2 container running broadlink-mqtt. Based off the python 2 slim image to reduce size. Image is approx 158MB at the time of writing this document.
This Dockerfile will:
- pull the latest master of broadlink-mqtt from git
- remove the commands folder
- remove the mqtt.conf file
- copy the local commands folder into the container
- copy the local custom.conf as mqtt.conf into the container
Make sure to:
- update the commands folder
- update the custom.conf file
- run the following to create your image
FROM python:2-slim
RUN pip install paho-mqtt broadlink
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y wget \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN wget \
&& tar -zxvf master.tar.gz \
&& mv broadlink-mqtt-master/* ./ \
&& rm -rf master.tar.gz broadlink-mqtt-master \
&& rm -rf ./commands \
&& rm -r ./mqtt.conf
COPY commands/ /app/commands/
COPY custom.conf /app/mqtt.conf
CMD [ "python", "./" ]