XMRig Monitor is an automated watchdog for XMRig crypto miners or proxies in Windows 10 environments. Its primary purpose is to maintain uptime on unstable systems and provide event logs when troubleshooting hardware optimization.
- Restarts XMRig executable in the event of an application crash
- Sends email notifications containing detailed logs of events
- Monitors CPU temperature metrics to correlate crash root cause
- Displays daily crash statistics
- Task Mode: Runs silently on boot in Windows Task Scheduler
- Proxy Mode: Monitors XMRig Proxy instead of XMRig
- Tango Mode: Links two miners together to monitor each other
The project currently exists as a set of Batch and Powershell scripts along with executables from the open source project OpenHardwareMonitor for CPU temperature monitoring. Scripts are currently tested on both Intel and AMD processors and should not require manipulation to deploy other than setting user-configurable options in the supplied config file. The project will remain exclusively for Windows 10 environments.
Name | Description |
backend/ | Contains all supporting scripts and executables |
backend/OHMR/ | Executables for CPU temperature monitoring |
backend/OHMR/temp/ | Temporary files for parsing & crash counters |
logs/ | Rotating logs of daily events |
Name | Description |
README.md | This file |
XMRigMonitor.bat | Main project batch |
XMRigMonitor.conf | User-configurable settings file |
backend/EmailConfig.bat | Supporting batch to call email notification types |
backend/Emailer.ps1 | Email trigger script to grab log contents and send notifications |
backend/LogCleaner.bat | Supporting batch to strip extra spaces from log if system crashes during write |
backend/ScheduledTask.xml | Settings file for Windows Task Scheduler |
The latest stable pre-release (v0.3b) is availabile for download. The contents of the zip should be copied into the XMRig folder alongside the XMRig executable. Use XMRigMonitor.conf to set preferences then run XMRigMonitor.bat as administrator.
Setting | Description | Options |
PulseTime | How often XMRigMonitor checks for XMRig | Seconds |
TaskMode | Runs silently on boot as Scheduled Task | Enabled / Disabled |
ProxyMode | Configures XMRigMonitor to monitor XMRig Proxy | Enabled / Disabled |
CPUMonitor | Adds a CPU Temperature check every PulseTime | Enabled / Disabled |
EXEOverride | Allows the user to specify a different miner executable | Name.exe / Disabled |
EXEParameters | Passes parameters/arguments to the miner executable | Text string |
EmailOnXMRigCrash | Sends an email when XMRig crashes | Enabled / Disabled |
EmailOnXMRigCrashSubject | Subject line of the email when XMRig crashes | Text string in quotes |
EmailOnSystemCrash | Sends an email when the system crashes | Enabled / Disabled |
EmailOnSystemCrashSubject | Subject line of the email when the system crashes | Text string in quotes |
EmailOnTangoDownSubject | Subject line of the email when Tango disconnects | Text string in quotes |
EmailOnTangoUpSubject | Subject line of the email when Tango recovers | Text string in quotes |
EmailAccount | Email address used to send emails | Email address |
EmailPassword | Password of email address used to send emails | Plain text password |
SMTPServer | SMTP server address used to send emails | Server address |
SMTPPortNumber | SMTP port number used to send emails | Port number |
EmailRecipient | Email address to receive emails | Email address |
TangoMode | Adds a connectivity check for a second miner | Enabled / Disabled |
MinerName | Sets the Tango Mode computer name to check | Computer Name |
If you find this tool helpful, donations are greatly appreciated!
XMR: 47zEuqnGse6LBQMF9hnRGxGn7bLgJQXzZThjqFMFsqb152PVmiPP5eXfK7vNPpQTX5W5BmAqqu6DeVdUrT7nG5NyMNxvMr2