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OpenComputers integration

Mr. Jake edited this page Feb 7, 2021 · 32 revisions



OpenComputers is a mod about computers(duh). It adds fancy-style, modular screens, PCs, servers and much more.

AUNIS is compatible with these computers(as of version 1.5) and provides SGC-style dialing by them.

Simple dialing program

Check out this gist.


List of methods some TileEntites support

Stargate Base

  • getGateType()
    gateType Can be one of: [MILKYWAY, PEGASUSNot yet..., UNIVERSE]

  • getGateStatus()
    gateStatus Can be one of: [not_merged, open, idle, dialing, dialing_computer, unstable, failing]
    openState When gateStatus is open this parameter is true for the initiating gate and false on the receiving one.
    dialing is when therebis a delay after pressing the Glyph on the DHD and the actual chevron locking.
    dialing_computer is when you spin the gate/ring with a computer, and it returns to idle after the spin finishes.

  • getEnergyRequiredToDial(symbols... or symbols:array) Gets the energy required to dial specified gate. From Aunis 1.9.6.
    symbols... Symbols as subsequent parameters,
    symbols:array Symbols as an array.
    Point of Origin is added automatically if not present
    not_merged Gate's not merged (duh), or
    address_malformed (No such gate, address contains less than 7 symbols), or
    energyMap Map (aka array in Lua) with 3 indexes: [open(open cost, in RF), keepAlive(sustain cost, in RF/t), canOpen(if the stored power is enough to open the wormhole, boolean)]

  • engageSymbol(symbolName:string or symbolIndex:number): table Spins the ring to the given symbol and engages/locks it.
    symbolName is the name of the symbol to be engaged.
    symbolIndex is the index of the symbol to be engaged. See: Mliky Way Symbols , Pegasus Symbols, Universe Symbols.
    status If null, command failed, otherwise "stargate_spin".
    stargate_failure_* Name of the failure (busy, full, contains, not_merged).
    description description of the failure.

  • engageGate() Tries to open the gate.
    status If null, command failed, otherwise "stargate_engage".
    stargate_failure_* Name of the failure (busy, opening, not_merged).
    description description of the failure.
    gateState State after the engageGate command. (BUSY [Source gate], NOT_ENOUGH_POWER, ADDRESS_MALFORMED [could mean that the target gate is busy]).

  • disengageGate() Tries to close the gate.
    status If null, command failed, otherwise "stargate_disengage".
    stargate_failure_* can be one of: (wrong_end, not_open, not_merged).
    description description of the failure.

  • getEnergyStored() Gets the amount of energy stored by the Gate.
    energy Amount of energy stored, in RF.

  • getMaxEnergyStored() Gets the electrical capacity of the Gate.
    maxEnergy Amount of energy that can be stored i.e. capacity, in RF.

  • getCapacitorsInstalled() Gets the amount of Capacitor Banks installed in the Gate.
    capacitorCount Capacitor count, 0-3.

Transport Rings

  • isInGrid() Checks if the Rings are in grid(i.e. have name and address).
    isInGrid boolean value

  • getAddress() Returns the address of attached rings.
    address integer address or NOT_IN_GRID

  • getName() Returns the name of attached rings.
    name string name or NOT_IN_GRID

  • setAddress(address:number) Sets the address for the attached rings. Can only be used when the rings are in a grid. Otherwise use setAddressAndName

  • setName(name:string) Sets the name for the attached rings. Can only be used when the rings are in a grid. Otherwise use setAddressAndName

  • setAddressAndName(address:number, name:string) Sets the address and the name for the attached rings and puts them in grid.

  • getAvailableRings() Gets the rings to which attached platform can connect.
    map address to name mapping

  • getAvailableRingsAddresses() Gets the rings to which attached platform can connect(only addresses).
    list list of addresses

  • attemptTransportTo(address:number) Attempts to transport the player to given address.


  • isActive() Checks if the Beamer is active(i.e. the beam is rendered)
    isActive boolean value

  • setActive(isActive:boolean) Sets the Beamer active flag. Only effective when Redstone Control is set to Ignore. Changing the Redstone Mode clears this flag.
    isActive boolean value

  • start() Equivalent to calling setActive(true)

  • stop() Equivalent to calling setActive(false)

  • getBeamerMode()
    beamerMode i.e. the type of crystal that is installed. Can be one of [power, fluid, items, none]

  • getBeamerRole()
    beamerRole Can be one of [transmit, receive, disabled].

  • setBeamerRole(beamerRole: string)
    beamerRole Can be one of [transmit, receive, disabled].

  • getBeamerRedstoneMode()
    redstoneMode Can be one of [auto, on_high, on_low, ignored].

  • setBeamerRedstoneMode(redstoneMode: string)
    redstoneMode Can be one of [auto, on_high, on_low, ignored].

  • toggleBeamerRole() Toggles between Transmit and Receive. Returns an error when the beamer is disabled.
    beamerRole Role after the change. Can be one of [transmit, receive, err_beamer_disabled].

  • getBeamerStatus()
    beamerStatus See BeamerStatusEnum.

  • getBufferStored() The result is depending on the current Mode being set.

    • POWER: energyStored,
    • FLUID: fluidAmount, fluidName,
    • ITEMS: Array of Name-Amount mappings,
    • NONE: "no_mode_set".
  • getBufferCapacity() The result is depending on the current Mode being set.

    • POWER: maxEnergyStored,
    • FLUID: capacity,
    • ITEMS: Array of Name-MaxStackSize mappings,
    • NONE: "no_mode_set".


Some of AUNIS blocks generate signals. Most of methods are aimed to be non-blocking, so you'll need callbacks to be able to properly drive a Stargate for example. Here is the list of blocks and signals they emit.

Universal parameters

All signals received by your computer will have at least 2 parameters:
address is the OpenComputers network address of the Stargate component.
caller true if the event was triggered by the action originated from this computer. If action don't originate from the user, caller is always false.

Stargate Base

  • stargate_spin_start(address: string, caller: boolean, symbolCount: number, lock: boolean, symbolName: string) Emmited when Stargate started to spin after succesful engageSymbol call.
    symbolCount is the index of chevron to be locked/engaged.
    lock true if the 7th/8th chevron is locking.
    symbolName name of the symbol to lock.

  • stargate_spin_chevron_engaged(address: string, caller: boolean, symbolCount: number, lock: boolean, symbolName: string) Emmited when Stargate finished engaging/locking the symbol after succesful engageSymbol call.
    symbolCount is the index of chevron to be locked/engaged.
    lock true if the 7th/8th chevron is locking.
    symbolName name of the symbol to lock.

  • stargate_dhd_chevron_engaged(address: string, caller: boolean, symbolCount: number, lock: boolean, symbolName: string) Emmited when a glyph is pressed on a DHD while the computer is attached to the Gate.
    symbolCount is the index of chevron to be locked/engaged.
    lock true if the 7th/8th chevron is locking.
    symbolName name of the symbol to lock.

  • stargate_incoming_wormhole(address: string, caller: boolean, dialedAddressSize: number) Emmited when Stargate was dialed from another Gate but hasn't been engaged yet(i.e. BRB not pressed).
    dialedAddressSize how many symbols dialing site pressed on the DHD (or computer).

  • stargate_open(address: string, caller: boolean, isInitiating: boolean) Emmited when Stargate starts to open, but isn't stable yet (see stargate_wormhole_stabilized).
    isInitiating if the gate is being opened from this end.

  • stargate_close(address: string, caller: boolean, reason: string) Emmited when Stargate starts to close, but isn't fully closed yet (see stargate_wormhole_closed_fully).
    reason the reason why the gate closed. Can be one of [requested, connection_lost, out_of_power, command].

  • stargate_wormhole_stabilized(address: string, caller: boolean, isInitiating: boolean) Emmited when Stargate wormhole is stable and can transport players/entities/OC messages.
    isInitiating if the gate is being opened from this end.

  • stargate_wormhole_closed_fully(address: string, caller: boolean, isInitiating: boolean) Emmited when Stargate wormhole disappears completely.
    isInitiating if the gate is being opened from this end.

  • stargate_failed(address: string, caller: boolean, reason: string)
    Emmited when Stargate fails to open, either on engageGate or BRB press.
    reason the reason why the gate failed. Can be one of [not_enough_power, address_malformed, aborted(Universe Dialer)].

  • stargate_traveler(address: string, caller: boolean, inbound: boolean, isPlayer: boolean, entityClass: string)
    Emmited when Stargate receives on transmits matter.
    inbound the Entity is travelling from the other end.
    isPlayer the Entity is a EntityPlayerMP rather than: item, animal, minecart, arrow...
    entityClass the Entity's class name. For ex. EntityPlayerMP, EntityItem, EntityTippedArrow.

Transport Rings

  • transportrings_teleport_start(address: string, caller: boolean, initiating: boolean)
    Emmited when Rings start the teleport animation.
    initiating true if attached platform initiated the connection.

  • transportrings_teleport_finished(address: string, caller: boolean, initiating: boolean)
    Emmited when Rings finish the teleport animation.
    initiating true if attached platform initiated the connection.


  • beamer_started
    Emmited when the Beamer starts being active.

  • beamer_stopped
    Emmited when the Beamer stops being active.

  • beamer_transfers (since 1.9.12)
    Emmited every second (configurable) when the Beamer transfers something. It returns an associative array of key(power or fluid/item display name) and value(number of things transferred). See this gist for a simple program counting all transfers.